Chapter 12 - Today is the Day...

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"You know that today is the day, right?"

"Yes, I know."

"But... you're not going...why exactly?"

"You know why.. Every year he gets..."

"Right...sorry... No need to finish."


"Just..Take care.. alright?"

"Alright, talk to you soon."


Ink woke up rather early today. He decided to go jogging for a change. So, now he's at Saint Mariana Park taking a quick breather. It didn't help the fact that he was wearing a jacket. It just made him more sweaty. Wait, how can a skeleton even sweat? Never mind that he should probably be wearing that jacket but he's not.

Ink took off his jacket, feeling the cold air hit him immediately. He shivered but kept his warm jacket in his hands. He needed to cool off, then he'd put it back on.

The artist sat on one of the benches, looking at his phone. Currently, it was 6:30. As we said, he woke up rather early.
He texted someone and placed the device on the bench seat. Then, he put on his jacket.

Ink noticed a running silhouette in the far distance, making his way toward him. It turned out to be Error. He stopped right in front of the shorter skeleton, took a breath, and greeted him - "H-Hey..Huff... What're you doing here?"

"I was... jogging." Ink stated, taking his phone so he could free a seat next to him.

"Huh..Huff..good for you." Error gladly sat down. He took a bottle from his large duffel bag and downed it in one go.

"Do you have basketball practice?" Ink asked, noticing the other's sports clothes.

"Yeah..I do." The athlete shoved the bottle back in the bag and looked at his friend. "I never knew you liked jogging."

"I... don't..." Ink awkwardly stated while slightly chuckling. "I just felt like I needed today."

"Oh, well good for you." Error exclaimed. He then took the bag from his shoulder and placed it on the ground so that he could relax his back on the bench. "Anyways..."

Ink hummed in confusion.

"Well... Christmas is coming up. Are you going to celebrate it somewhere else?"

Ink thought before answering, uncertain. "Well...we normally fly back to France to celebrate New Year and Christmas...but I guess this is we won't."

"Hm? Why?" The taller skeleton asked, curious.

Ink looked at the ground. His silence caught the other's attention, uncertain if he had done something to upset his friend.

"Uh...Ink, are you okay?"

"Oh, yes! Sorry." Ink quickly looked up at his friend, seeing his worried face. He plastered a small smile on his face to reassure the other.

The athlete nodded slightly. He didn't half-believe him but it wasn't his place to ask. Or was it?

"What about you?" Ink asked out of the blue.

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