Chapter 21 - Arrived in Canada

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The previous night, Ink packed everything needed for the trip to Canada. He thought he'd have at least a couple of days left to tell Dream and Blue because he didn't let them know at all about any of this but whatever, ehem-

As the narrator was saying..

It was currently 5 a.m. Ink was sitting on his bed, waiting for Error to pick him up. His fingers were tapping away on his phone as he hastily composed a message to his two best friends in their group chat. He explained the sudden trip to Canada and apologized for not informing them earlier. As he hit send, a car horn blared outside his house. Rushing to the window, Ink spotted Error stepping out of the vehicle and making his way to the porch.

Gripping the handles of his luggage, our main protagonist descended the stairs cautiously, mindful of the weight of his luggage and not to wake his father up. He needn't embarrass himself in front of Error with his father's protectiveness. Just as he reached the bottom, the doorbell chimed. Hurrying to the door, he unlocked it and swung it open to greet his friend. "Good morning!" he exclaimed with a bright smile.

"You're energetic..." Error remarked, his voice tinged with tiredness as if he hadn't slept at all the previous night.

"I am!" Ink said cheerfully as he set his luggage outside the door. After slipping on his shoes and coat, he stepped outside, locking the door behind him. Just as he reached for the handle of his luggage, Error beat him to it.

"Is your father asleep?" Error began as he walked towards the car with the luggage, steadfastly refusing to relinquish it to Ink, who didn't want to burden him with carrying it.

"Yeah," Ink murmured, confirming his father's sleep. As they neared the car, he saw nobody in the driver's seat. "Wait, are you... driving?"

"Yes, I have a learner's permit," the athlete explained as he stowed the luggage in the trunk. Then, he added, "Plus, my brother's here with us."

As the backseat window rolled down, Ink caught sight of Error's brother. Unsure if it was Geno or Fresh, Ink greeted him politely, "Good morning."

"Good morning, Ink. I'm glad to see you again," Geno replied warmly. Ah, it's Geno.

"Likewise," Ink reciprocated, preparing to slide into the back seat alongside Geno, but Error's interruption halted his movement.

"You can sit in the front," Error suggested, his voice carrying a hint of insistence as he gestured towards the passenger seat beside him.

"Oh, okay," Ink replied, sliding into the passenger seat and fastening his seatbelt. As Error joined him, he watched as his friend started the engine and pulled away from the curb, the car humming to life as they drove on the road.

Geno shifted to the middle seat and leaned forward. "Ink, did you have breakfast? We can stop and grab something for you at the market." He asked in a gentle voice as if talking to a sibling.

"Oh, don't worry about me. I've already eaten." Ink assured.

"In that case, we'll just head straight to the airport," Geno declared with a nod, settling back into his seat. He then turned his attention to Error, his tone firm yet tinged with concern. "Error, drive safely and properly otherwise I'll confiscate your permit."

Error nodded in acknowledgement, his gaze briefly meeting Geno's in the rearview mirror before returning to the road.

As the car hummed along the highway, a comfortable silence enveloped the trio, broken only by the soft hum of the engine and the occasional sound of tyres on the pavement. Ink, feeling the gentle sway of the car, gradually succumbed to drowsiness, his eyelids growing heavy as he drifted into slumber.

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