Chapter 1

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A word that held so much meaning, and sometimes so much hurt and pain, and tears, and...well you understand what I mean.

Life is not easy for me. I live in a small one bedroom apartment, that was okay interior wise. The neighborhood I lived in was okay as well, but there are creeps that roam at night.

Looking at myself in the mirror, my outfit plain and simple. A pair of blue jeans and a white shirt. I have two more hours again before I have to get to work, and I still haven't slept properly yet. I got shut eye for like about two, three hours and then I was up again.

I've been up from since 2 am.

Work starts at eight and it's now only 5am. My eyes had dark circles underneath them, but with the little bit of brown power and foundation I bought from the convenient store. I looked presentable.

Oh! Where are my manners. My name is Shantelle by the way. Shantelle Dawnly. I'm 23 years old and I live on my own. My parents are...on earth I believe and I never really had any friends. It's okay though. I'm not hurt or mad, I've learned from young to take care of myself.

I was place in the foster system at nine, and was out by eighteen. They did help me start up, got me the apartment I live in, but after that I was on my own.

I'm a really simple girl. A little shy but Mr. Logan, my boss, says I have a little fire to me.

I walk out the bathroom, going back into my room, I sit down on my bed. Picking up my phone and going on instagram.

Her room

I only had instagram to view the lives of others

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I only had instagram to view the lives of others. I've never posted anything, I'm not following anyone, and my account is private. My profile picture, is a picture of my favorite animal the panda.

They're so cute really. Mr. Logan promised to go with me to the zoo soon so that we can see them. He's really the closest thing I have to family, and I him. He even bought me my phone. Got me it for Christmas.

I really don't know how I would of made it without him.

Even getting a job was somewhat a miracle. I was walking down the street, after another failed interview. My mind was just so far away that my feet moved on its own accord.
Next thing you know I was standing in front of his work place, a wanted sign on his door.

I had no qualifications for the job but still got it. Yippee to me.

Scrolling through my discover page, I see a picture of a girl and a guy together. He was looking down at her with so much love in his eyes.

My heart tinged a little, but I got over it.

Is it wrong to want to find a Prince Charming to just lift you unto his magically white horse and ride off into the sunset with him?

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