Chapter 5

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Two days have passed, and every night, I slowly walk down the street hoping to see him, but I never did.

I couldn't understand anything. I felt frustrated and hurt. My heart felt like it was slowly breaking.

He filled my dreams and my every thought. My entire being calling out for him.

Mr. Logan kept watching me, and I think he had a feeling that something was wrong, but he didn't mention it.

He made sure I was eating, asked if I slept, and every time I lied. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, and I think he knew, because he bought me breakfast, lunch and dinner.

I felt frustrated at both him and myself. Why do I do desire to be with a man I had not even a name for. Wanting to be with him, wanting him here but at the same time knowing it is wrong and that he is a vampire.

My mind was confused, thoughts jumbled up, but my heart desired one thing...for him to be here with me.

I felt like I was slowly beginning to lose my mind.

"Here." Mr. Logan hands me a small bag and I look into it.

"Sleeping pills?"

"Hmm. It'll help you to sleep tonight. Only take one, it's a very strong dose, but it'll help you to sleep until morning."

I feel tears fill my eyes and I hug the older man, who has become like a father to me.

"Thank you Mr. Logan."

"No problem Elle. Walk home safely okay." I nod, walking out the door. He does as he always does, watching me walk until I was at a good distance. I turn around waving at him, and he waved back.

I turn around, making my way home. Keeping the slow steady pace as always did when I was hoping he'll show up.
I stopped walking, looking around not finding anyone, but unlike the other nights, I felt someone's eyes on me.

I search for him, not finding any sign of him in the darkness.

Anger fills my body, and I stomp my foot, turning back around and storming off.

Is that all he's going to do, watch?!

I stop again, the intense burn of his gaze on my back, making my body warm up. I turn around again, not finding anyone.

"If all you're going to do is watch me then please take a picture it'll last longer!!" I shout storming off again. I pause again, tears beginning to fall but I roughly wipe them away.

"Y-You coward! You have me so frustrated..I don't even understand what I'm feeling and I- I can't seem to get you out of my head." I cry.
"Y-your in my dreams and I- sometimes cry because there's this need to have you with me that I sometimes can't even sleep because of it!! My mind won't shut up." I say grabbing unto my hair.

"And-and you won't even show yourself!" The still night answers back to me, and it only makes me cry more.

Angrily wiping away my tears, I turn around walking off again. My heart heavier than before.

"Are you sure this is right Master Leon? You are only hurting the both of you." Bernard says to him. He doesn't reply, but kept watching her.


Shantelle arrived at home, beginning to sob loudly when she entered the door.

She couldn't understand why she felt so strongly for him.

After a few minutes she got up from the ground, dragging towards the bathroom.

After freshening up, she walks over to the bed, falling face forward unto it.

She felt the need to cry again, but decided to push it away.

An idea comes to mind, and she shoots up.
"Ha! Why didn't I think of that." Grabbing her phone, she searches up on vampires again. Being more specific with her search to find out why she feels this way.

She comes across one that spoke about mates. Clicking unto it, she reads the entire thing. Surprised by how it described everything she was going through and feeling.

We are mates. But why wouldn't he want to...does he not want me as his mate?

Is it because I'm human?

She searches up a few other things about mates. Each one only making her heart hurt more.

"When a bond is hindered, mates can become and face intense yearning and pressure to want to be together. The longer the bond is rejected, it will cause mates to become very weak. Forcing the bond to be made complete.

If the mate is human...the bond will have a harder effect on the human mate, because they are the weaker species. The longer the bond is rejected, the weaker they will become. Some have even ended up getting very sick, and worse case scenario...death?" My eyes widen in shock.

She looks at the name of the person who wrote this, seeing the name Marie Winston.

I rest my phone down, passing my hand through my hair.

He won't let me die right?
He won't?

My eyes begin to water again, and I bring my knees to my chest, hugging my legs.

He wouldn't right?


She leaves work again, Mr. Logan watching after her with worried eyes. She was starting to get very pale.

He couldn't intervene, even if he did, he had no clue why he was doing this to her and it angered him. He wished their was something he could do to take the pain away from her, but their wasn't.

She didn't turn back this time, and he watched her longer this time. Making sure she was okay. He watches as she stops, not turning around.

"I did some research last night," he heard her say. Her voice filled with hurt.
"It said that when vampires meet their mates and don't accept the bond, they tend to feel this way.

Is there a reason why you don't want to accept the bond? Is it because I'm not one of you?" Mr. Logan felt his heart begin to hurt at how soft and fragile she sounded.

Once again, she waited and he didn't show. She begins to walk again, tears falling from her eyes. But as always he kept watching her. Bernard stood a little way behind him, watching on as well.

He knew the pain the past caused on him, but was he really going to sacrifice a happy future because of it?


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