Chapter 7

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(T.W:Mention of suicide.)

She wakes up the next morning, feeling stronger than she's ever felt in awhile. She finds another letter under her phone.

Hey Buttercup. No need to rush into work today. Take you time.

I left your favorite cheese croissant for you and a chocolate one, because you deserve it.

She smiles.

Again take your time, no need to rush.

Mr. Logan.


She quickly makes her way out the building, hailing a cab because she already missed the bus.

She knew Mr. Logan will be a little mad, but she wanted to be at work still.

When she arrives at work, Mr. Logan was very happy to see that his sunshine was shining again.

"I thought I told you take your time." He folds his arms, playfully glaring at her.

"I missed you Mr. Logan." She tells him, making him laugh.

" is the last day of Overtime." He watches as her smile drops, but she quickly puts it back on. Deciding that she wasn't going to think of him today.

She really didn't want her heart hurting today.
"Okay. Let's end with a bang." He smiles.

"I'll be in the back. We're not expecting a busy morning, just in the afternoon, we have a client from a small business clinic coming in." She nods, walking towards the counter.


"But Mr. Logan. I knew you looked really young for your age, but your really that old."

"Hey hey hey. I'm not that old young lady."

"The 1800s is old Mr. Logan. You lived through world changes." She says in awe. He shakes his head laughing. She looked so genuine too.

"Oh!! There she is." They turn to the entrance.
"Hello Shantelle. I didn't see you yesterday but Bossman said you were under the weather." Henry says, coming in and leaning up against the countertop.

Mr. Logan looked irritated by the man's presence but said nothing.
"Why are you hear Henry?"

"We're going out tonight."

"No we are not." He replies folding his arms.

"Yes we are."

"No we are not. I have work to do Henry. I can't leave things over due any longer. Plus this is the last day I'll be overtime. We can go out then."

"Okay that's great, because it's about time this old man finds love again." Mr. Logan rolls his eyes and Shantelle giggles.

"Are you a vampire as well?" The man freezes, looking towards the young woman in shock.

Her eyes widen and she hits her mouth.
"Oh my gosh. I'll get killed won't I, for blurting out the secret. The Volturi nearly killed Bella because she found out." She gasps loudly.
"Do you guys have a Volturi as well? Or like a King or Kings of Vampires." They both chuckle and Mr. Logan looks to Henry.

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