Chapter 6

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Leon felt every effect of the bond, but he couldn't.

He remembered when he I won't curse her to be with me.

Bernard walks into his office and he looks at the boy.
"Are you really not going to give her a chance Master Leon?"

"Bernard please."

"No." He sternly says and Leon looks at him in shock. He's never spoken to me like that before.

"I apologize for my disrespect Master Leon, but you call me a friend so I'll speak to you like one. You are a coward." His eyes widen more.
"You're holding judgement on a girl you don't even know because of the fear of the past. She is not-"

"Do not say her name!" He shouts, slamming his hand on the table.

"She is not Kimberly." He says still and Leon stands to his feet, running to the boy grabbing him by his neck, slamming him against the wall.

"I said don't mention her Bernard!!"

"You need to let her go! She chose her path. She chose to kill herself. It was not your fault Leon. She used the bond against you."

"I am a monster!! She wanted no part of a monster!!" He yells, letting go of him.

"You didn't choose this Leon. You were about to die, and a man saved your life. You can't force someone to accept you. And you shouldn't blame yourself for it either." He walks over to his desk throwing everything off of it.

"Get out."


"GET OUT BERNARD!!" He shouts, his fangs showing and eyes filled with so much anger. But Bernard knew his friend was only hurting.

"No." He screams loudly, turning around and slamming his fist down unto the table, causing it to break into two.
"You can trash the whole room. I'm still not leaving."


They stood in the middle of fully recked room. He stared at Bernard, feeling angry yet thankful towards the boy.

However with Shantelle, she was slowly getting sick, and she could feel it. Her heart was heavy and her body felt too tired.

She walks into work, and Mr. Logan notices immediately and goes over to her.

"Elle, your pale as a ghost."

"Well at least I'm a friendly ghost." She comments but he didn't laugh this time.
"Come I'll drop you back home."

"No. I have to work." She says trying to go pass him, but he grabs unto her arms.

"No. You're going home." He says, turning her around, carrying her to the car. He takes out his keys opening the door, and she goes in.

"Just let me close up okay?" She nods and he closes the door, running back in the store getting his wallet and running back out. When returned to the car, she was coughing badly.

Handing her his handkerchief, he watches as she seemed to lose even more color. When she pulled away the handkerchief, their was a slight stain of blood on it.

He feels his natural instincts kick in, but he shoves it down. Having lots of practice to control his thirst.

"Am I a fool Mr. Logan? Waiting for a man who doesn't seem to want me." She whispers, looking down at the bloody cloth.

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