The Friend

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She didn't have a name. She was just the Friend. The one talked to. The unnamed side character in another's story. That character. That's her. Some called her friendly names.

"Hey Amica! Come check this out!"

Others were less friendly.
"OI! Extra! Get over here!"
Boom boi always meant well though.

She wasn't always sure everyone meant well though.
"Have a lollipop!" That was the man dressed all in black with a white no windowed van.

Sometimes she wonders why she never found her mother after that fateful game of hide and seek.

Ready or not here I come mom!"

After an hour and half, the not-so-dumb seven year old gave up.

She did end up hanging out with some pretty cool homeless people though.

She really liked Aizawa, she liked the way he always had a yellow sleeping bag, and those goggles around his neck. He somehow made friends with all the stray cats, one could swear he had magic.

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