Chapter 23

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10 years later


I'm sitting on the floor surrounded by my children, Luciano, Clementine and Isabella. I wanted more kids but with my last pregnancy the doctors said it would be risky if I decided to have another baby. So we're a family of five, Caine's at the clinic right now finishing up some paperwork. I still work there but only 3 days out of the week now, the rest of the week I stay home with my babies. Sadly Cheryl passed away five years ago, doctors said she had a brain bleed and died in her sleep peacefully. It was a hard time for all of us but especially for Luciano and Caine who viewed her as more than a grandmother.
"Mama, Isabella took my Barbie doll again." Clementine pouts at me.
"Baby, let her play with it for 5 minutes then I'll make her give it back to you." Her brows furrowed, god she looks like her father when she makes that face, she stomps away with her arms crossed across her chest.
"Luciano, can you grab a water for me from the fridge,please?" I asked my oldest, the older he gets the more he starts looking like Enzo. Even though he's 12 years old, people have mistaken him for being 16 because of how tall he is. Goodness, he's already taller than me and I'm sure he's still growing.
"Yes Mama." He gets up and goes to the kitchen. All of a sudden I hear crying. I instantly groan.
"Who's crying?"
"Mama, you said I can have the Barbie back after 5 minutes." Clementine said. I bought them the same Barbie but somehow Isabella always wants the one her sister has.
"Isabella come here." I demanded using my mom voice, she walks up to me tears streaming down her face. She's a mix of her dad and me, she has my green eyes and her dad's blonde hair but it's curly instead of straight.
"Yes Mama?" She asked, I grab a napkin and wipe her tears. For a 4 year old she sure does cry a lot.
"What did I say about your Barbie's? If you want to play with sissy's Barbie you ask nicely if she doesn't want to share you have also have a lot of Barbie's that you can play with. Plus you're a big girl stop crying." I said
"But I want sissy's Barbie, her Barbie prettier than mine." If you stopped cutting your dolls hair than they would probably look the same, then you wouldn't be fighting over barbies right now.
"Ok, how about this, tomorrow me and daddy will go to the store and buy you brand new Barbies." She immediately screams in excitement launching herself at me and wrapping her arms around me in a hug.
"Thank you Mama!" I pat her back, she runs back to her sister probably bragging about getting a new doll.
"Here's your water." Luciano said, I grab it from him.
"Thanks baby."
"When your dad comes home how about we go out for pizza tonight." I suggested, I get squeals of excitement from the girls but he just shrugged his shoulders. Luciano found out Enzo was his real dad when he was 3 years old. When he was younger it was hard for him to understand that Caine wasn't his real father, he barely called Caine dad anymore. I told him that he's lucky that he has two fathers since a lot of people have one but he's stubborn like Enzo. Enzo has insisted he call him Papà, he reluctantly agreed. Over the years he got used to Enzo's presence, he would pick him up on the weekends and bring him back before school on Monday and he would spend half his summer with him.
Out of nowhere there's a knock on the doorway.
Once opening the door I'm met with 2 police officers.
"Good evening ma'am, are you Caine Hayes' wife?" He asked, dread fills me.
"Yes, what's going on?" I asked, please tell me he's okay please. I can't be without him, god please don't take him from me already.
"I'm Sergeant Bryan from the Eden police department, I regret to inform you that your husband's vehicle was found submerged in a lake. It seems like he got a flat tire while traveling on the bridge causing his vehicle to go over, once first responders were able to get to him it was already too late he had already perished." My heart stops beating, my breath stills in my lungs. This cannot be happening not to me not to my babies. What will we do without him, the urge to scream strong. Tears pour out my eyes but I don't make a sound. 12 years, 12 years wasn't enough time with him. I wanted 50 years not 12. I close the door not wanting to hear anything else. Once the door is closed I collapse to my knees.
"Mama, what's wrong?" Isabella asked. I hug my knees rocking back and forth.
"Noooo!" The scream leaves my lips, the ache in my heart hurts more than any pain I've ever felt.
"Mama, is it daddy?" Clementine asked. Her voice shaking.
"Yes baby, daddy's gone." I told them. My girls start bawling, hugging me close to them.
"No! My daddy!" They screamed.
"I want daddy here now." Isabella screamed, me too baby me too. I look at Luciano and see his eyes are red, oh my poor baby he's trying to be strong.
I don't know how we'll get through this, but together we'll have to overcome this loss.

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