Chapter 8

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     Aidan hoped sleeping on it would help, but by the next morning, he felt just as hollow.

     He had been lucky for so many years; somehow avoided them. But... those very real people showed themselves to him again.

     A grim reminder. Just like the wound he had to waste his first aid kit on. It wasn't as big as it felt, but it still hurt like hell back in that alley.

     All his thoughts were starting to culminate in one person. Cedric. It happened after he had been a little more public with him. It would be impossible to see that man now. It was only going to bring the past back... right?

     His concerns were already spiraling out of control, but there was no stopping it. Hiding had to be the single correct option.

     A whole week slipped by. Aidan couldn't bring himself to contact anyone. Both Leo and Cedric kept trying to reach out to him, but he didn't respond to either of them.

     It was around midday, and the streets were bustling with people. A perfect time for Aidan to get out and hide among them. All he needed was groceries, but he was still cautious of familiar faces.

     However, much to his dismay, a pair of eyes met with his. When the person realized who was standing a short distance away, it was too late for Aidan to hide. And though he kept walking, Leo easily caught up to him.

     "Explain yourself. You know I get concerned when you do things like this."

     Aidan slumped his shoulders in defeat but didn't know how to reply. That only made Leo more worried.

     "...I'll let you pet a dog while you tell me. As in... I'm inviting you over. I don't like that empty look. Something's up. And trust me, a husky helps."

     Aidan looked down at the ground with a sigh. It took him a second, but then he nodded.

     Since they were already walking, all that changed was a shift in direction.

     It was a quiet and tense trek to Leo's house. They had to walk far outside the inner city to get there.

     Once they walked through the fence that led to his garden, Aidan's expression lit up. A husky came bounding toward them the instant Leo closed the fence.

     "Woah there, easy." Leo had to pull the dog by its collar, ensuring he didn't jump on Aidan. From the way it ran, that was very likely. As the dog was held back, Aidan moved his hand over the back of its head. The soft fur had a surprisingly calming effect on him.

     He knelt down, coming face to face with Leo's excited canine. Its reaction was to try and lick his hands, which Aidan gladly let happen.

     Leo's eyes narrowed on him, but he didn't say anything. He let go of the collar, seeing that his friend seemed to have calmed down the beast.

     "So... want to tell me why you disappeared?"

     Aidan didn't respond at first, purposefully not looking back at Leo. His body felt heavier than ever, but he still managed to stand up again.

     "...It's impossible to escape them. I don't know what to do."

     Though cryptic, they had known each other long enough for Leo to catch on.

     "Oh... Oh no. Aidan..." He stepped closer and wrapped his arms around him. The husky perked up in surprise. Aidan reciprocated, holding his friend even tighter. He didn't expect it to feel that good to say something.

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