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But they love me


"Really gross"

   Scarlett woke up in the morning to her dad, Hopper, shaking her and snapping infront of her face.

   "Come on, get up." He said.

   "Just five more minutes..." Scarlett mumbled. She wished that her dad would just buy her an alarm clock or something instead of shaking her and snapping infront of her face. Maybe one day he would stop.

   "No. Come on or else you'll be late. I've already showered and everything." He said. Scarlett groaned and nearly whacked him in the face while she took her covers off. Hopper left the room so she could get ready. Scarlett looked in her dresser for something to wear. She decided on a white shirt that said "Cherry bomb" on it in red letters. Then she chose a basic pair of jeans to go with it. She quickly got dressed then went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and hair.

   Just about ten minutes later, Scarlett was ready and pulled on her red converses and blue coat. She grabbed her red jansport bag and threw it over her shoulder. She grabbed a bright blue scrunchie from her coat pocket and quickly tied her hair up into a ponytail.

   "You ready?" Her dad called from the living room.

   "Yeah!" She said. She went out on the front porch and grabbed her skateboard so she could skate home after school. As she walked down the steps, she heard her dad follow after her.


   Scarlett walked into school with Nancy. They were hoping to find Valerie and Barb inside the school. Just as they walked in, it was like Valerie and Barb had known exactly when they were gonna come in.

   "So, did he call?" Barb asked Nancy.
   "Keep your voice down." Nancy said, turning to her best friend.

   "Did he?" The ginger asked.

   "I told you, it's not like that. Okay, well I mean, yes, he likes me, but not like that." Nancy started as Valerie and Scarlett followed, not saying anything. "We just... made out a couple times." Nancy finished as she did her locker combination.

   "We just... made out a couple times." Barb mocked. "Nance, seriously, you're gonna be so cool now, it's ridiculous."

   "No I'm not." Nancy defended with a smile.

   "You better still hangout with us, that's all I'm saying."

   "She definitely will, we're too cool to be left out." Scarlett said. Valerie nodded in agreement.

   "If you become friends with Tommy H, or Carol-" Barb continued.

   "Oh, that's gross!" Nancy interrupted. Valerie and Scarlett nodded in agreement.

   "Really gross." Scarlett said. Valerie laughed.

   "Putting that aside, I'm telling you, it was a one time..." all three of Nancy's friends rose their eyebrows. "...Two time thing." Then Nancy found a note in her locker that said 'meet me in the bathroom -Steve.'

   "You were saying?" Barb questioned with a smile.

   "Ew, gross." Valerie said.

   "Ok, just because you haven't had your first kiss yet doesn't mean you can say it's gross." Nancy said holding in a laugh while shutting her locker.

   "Meanie." Valerie said, hiding a smile.

   "Wanna skip 1st hour with me?" Scarlett asked Valerie, knowing that Barb and Nancy would say no.

   "Sure, I hate math anyways." Valerie said.

   "You guys are seriously going to skip?" Barb asked the two.

   "I would do anything to not have math 1st hour." Scarlett said. "Alright! Off to the bathrooms we go!" Scarlett said, looping one arm around Valerie's and the other pointing upwards.


  Scarlett watched as her dad walked into her fifth hour, along with officer Callahan and her principal, Mr. Blythe.

   "Can I borrow Scarlett and Valerie?" Her principal asked. Her teacher nodded and Scarlett and Valerie gathered their stuff.

    "Are we in trouble?" Scarlett asked.

   "Nope, but could you follow us to my room, please." Mr. Blythe asked the duo. Valerie and Scarlett gave eachother a look, then followed them to the principals office.

   Once they got their, they sat in two seats as her dad sat where Mr. Blythe usually sat, and Callahan stood to her dad's left while Mr. Blythe stood to his right.

   "So. Will byers has gone missing. And according to your sister, Valerie." He looked at Valerie as he spoke. "Lacy said that before you left, you guys saw Mike and will talking in the driveway. Did you guys hear what they were saying? Or did you see will on the road after that?" Hopper asked his daughter and her best friend.

   Valerie looked at Scarlett, and Scarlett looked back, communicating with their eyes.

   "Yeah, we saw them, but we weren't really listening, I mean we aren't stalkers." Scarlett said, furrowing her eyebrows at her dad at the word 'stalkers'.

   "And we didn't see will on the road at all, I mean, we drove past Dustbi- Dustin and will like, for a split second, but that was right after we left. After that we didn't see either of them." Valerie said. Scarlett nodded her head, agreeing with her best friend.

   Hopper nodded his head. "Alright, thanks, kid, Valerie."

   "Wait. Dad. Can you just like... let us skip a little longer. I hate science." Scarlett asked her dad, and Valerie nodded her head.

   "No. Go to class." He said. Scarlett groaned and rolled her eyes, while Valerie simply sighed. They looped arms, grabbed their stuff, and headed back to class.

Madi speaks!
This was kind of a boring chapter, but I swear it gets more interesting😭 ALSOOO Idk if it's out yet or not since this is pre written, but I'm working on a fear street story that's fem oc x Simon so if it's out, you should go check if out cus the storyline is gonna be rlly good! Anyways byeee

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