Stoping and Sinking

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(Susan in the picture above)

This chapters suggested soundtrack-

Roberts POV-Why'd you only call me when your High? (slowed)

Y/n's POV- Dark red (Steve Lacey) slowed

(Loop the songs guys)

(Still in Roberts POV)

Susan was right there in-front of me, and suddenly my conscious returned to my brain, before she got the chance to do anything. I got out of bed quickly and used her coat which was hanging on the hook of my door to wipe away the lipstick. I then handed her the coat and demanded that she would leave.

"You're joking..." She said, sitting up a bit. 

"Uh, no, I'm not joking. I don't want you! What do you not understand about that.."

"Well you're crazy, she said, bunching the sheets around her to cover herself up."

"I'm glad I didn't drink so much of that water, you're fucking crazy to think you can drug me for sex. Jesus, imagine what would've happened if I actually drank that shit."

"Yeah...imagine." She said, seductivley.

"I rather not, very well now, please leave." I said. 

"Oh hi y/n." Said Susan. 

Oh no. y/n was standing right behind me. 

"Hello." Said y/n, not thinking anything of it, then hesitating and turning around, to see me holding Susan's coat while she was laying in my bed.

"Susan?" y/n said, almost out of breath from the shock of what she was seeing. 

"Yes that's my name." Said Susan, laughing, "if you were here 10 minutes ago you would've heard it all the way from downstairs."

"Excuse me?" I interrupted.

(Y/N'S POINT OF VIEW- soundtrack above!!) 

  I can't believe this, I was right. Robert was with Susan and Susan was with Robert. What a mammas boy, sleeping with a girl because his mother approves. 

"You fucking slut!!" I yelled taking my shoe off and throwing it at her, then taking the other off and throwing it at him.

I quickly ran down the stairs. 

"Y/n! Please! It's not what it looks like! She's lying!"

I ran out of the house, between crying and screaming, ran to the hospital to see Kit, only to find a  crowd of doctors around her.

"Kit..?" I said in a concerned tone, quickly walking in and shoving past the doctors. 

"M'am calm down please, we're trying our best." Said one of the doctors, putting on his gloves and getting a needle ready.

"What's that."

"Numbing Medicine , the infection spread to her heart and it keeps suddenly stopping and then starting up again, which is giving her really awful chest pain."

I shouldn't have left her, but part of me is glad that I did, Roberts been sleeping with Susan and It's best that I know now because I rather not sleep with him when he's with Susan aswell. He's disgusting, I can't believe this. 

"Is she going to be okay?"

"We're not sure."

I knelt down where there was a space next to her bed. 

"This will put her to sleep for a bit, hopefully we can fix as much of this as we can so when she wakes up she won't feel as much pain. You have to leave for a bit so we can operate."

I sighed, "okay."

As I was walking back to my house I realised that all of my things were at Roberts house. And I reluctantly had to go back to pack my things. I barged through the door.

"Where's my suitcase Robert."

I noticed Susan was gone and the bed was made, and he was sitting at his desk reading his book, like how he was when I looked at him for the first time in a way that I'd never looked at anyone else before. Now here I am again, looking at him but with repulsion and a feeling of disgust.

He turned around quickly, "y/n! You're here!" He seemed frantic to talk to me.

"Where's your girl?"

"....right infront of me." 

"I don't see her." I said.

He put his hands on my shoulders while standing behind me and walked me over to the mirror. 

"Now you do." He said. 

"No, all I see is a cheating man whore who I wish I would've never met! If I could go back in time and change my mind about going to the "coming home from war" party you threw then I wouldn't go at all! I wish I never met you Robert!"

He looked helpless, I've never really seen that look in anyone, besides Kit.

"you wish you never met me....?" He said.

"Family comes first Robert and I'm going to spend the night at the hospital and I'm going to stay there until Kit is better and I'll be there until I die if I have to."

"I'll go with you though!" He said, trying to sound sweet.

"Go find Susan Robert." I said, taking my suitcase and slamming the door in his face.

My heart sank into my stomach. 

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