Chapter 4

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My alarm went of at 5:30 am 'fuck bro' I thought as a got out of the bed and went to the bathroom. In my mothers request I put my hair in a low ponytail.

I don't hate the hairstyle but it doesn't suit me, it's very unflattering, but it's not my choice is it

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I don't hate the hairstyle but it doesn't suit me, it's very unflattering, but it's not my choice is it. After my hair was done I put on coco butter, lip chap, because my mom doesn't allow lip gloss, I'm so glad I'm moving to the dorms, and my vanilla lavender perfume. Before I went downstairs I put on my glasses and grabbed my backpack.
"Your breakfast is on the *sniffle* table" my mom said
"Momma, are you crying?" I questioned
"Yes, my baby is moving out" at this point she was full on sobbing.
"Momma I'm just moving to the dorms. You live walking distance from the school." I said as I sat down and started eating. After enjoying my meal like a bad bitch should, I put my dish in the sink and went upstairs and brushed my teeth.
"I'm done mom, I'm going to go brush my teeth"
"Ok" she answered.
After I was done brushing my teeth I walked to my mom and gave her a big hug.
"I love you mommy, I'm gonna see you this weekend " I said while escaping from her grasp and walking to the door. Even tho my mom was overbearing and controlled my every move I loved her very much.
Ugh boring ass bitch.
Fuck you.

Finally I was outside those big gates. I walked into the school and waited in the office until the pro hero all might showed up. I got on my phone and start to scroll on TikTok till I got a text message

Your hair, nails, and eyelash
appointment is after school
be there by three

Ok thank you daddy
Wait how did you get a black nail,
lash and hair person in Japan?
I have my ways

Ok well all might is here

"Young Y/n" All Might called out to me but I was to awe struck to say anything but..
"Holy shit"
"That isn't language for school young y/n"
"I'm so sorry. I'm just... wow"
" I have this effect on a lot of people" he laughed " now come let me show you around."
( W Time skip)
"And this is your new class" all might said as we stopped at a large Door with a sign that said 1A.
"The school is just beautiful and thank you for the tour of the school" I said in a soft tone.
"Now go" all might said
As I turned around to say bye he was gone 'that nigga fast'.
'Ok breath sis breath' I thought as I walked through the door. The class was full of a lot of unique people and they were all fine especially the niggas except this one dude with purple balls for hair.
"Ah you must be the new student" a man said while getting out of a yellow sleeping bag. 'Who- OH MY FUCKING GOD ITS ERASERHEAD DO I LOOK GOOD OMG OMG'
"Yea that's me Y/n Dalion" I said nervously as in looked at the tall man. Bro had to be about 6'ft.
"Class" he said calmly and the whole entire class turned to him "this is the new student. Introduce yourself I'm going to sleep"
The class looked at me quietly. It kinda made me a bit nervous but I'm a bad bitch so I took that shit with stride.
" Hi, uhm my name is Y/n Dalion but you all can call me Y/n even though it's not customary please call me by my first name. I have multiple quirks so I'm not going to get into detail but I have the 5 elements, dark side, don't ask, and I can control sound waves. Pretty basic." The class just looked at me for a minute then they started talking.. a lot.
"Oh my God she is so cool"
" what cool quirks"
"She's kinda hot"
" her hair is pretty"
"Class settle down" Mr. Aizawa said and the class went quiet. "Dalion, you can go sit right there, Bakugou raise your hands so that she can see who you are."
A boy with vermilion eyes, blonde hair, and a mean mug that could kill you raised his hand. He was fine but that's besides the point. I walked over to my seat and sat behind him his hair was spiky it looked soft.
"Hey Dalion" I turned around to see a boy with red hair, sharp teeth, and black nail polish talking to me.
"Hi" I said plainly
"Hi my name is kirishima" he said
"Well you already know my name but you can call me Y/n " I replied softly.
'Well hello Y/n" he said with a smile.
"Could you dicks for brains shut up!" The boy in-font of me yelled.
Bitch, who is this nigga talking to?
I don't know bitch but he don't know bout me
I turned toward him with a smile and said "Could you choke on a dick and die?" I turned back around and continued my conversation until.
"What did you say to me bitch?"
"You heard me nigga. Call me a bitch again and I'll cut your mother fucking throat in your mother fucking sleep" it felt so good to finally be able to let this side of me out! I'd been fighting it for so long but not anymore.
"DO YOU WANNA GO SNOBBY" he said standing up and looking down at me explosions coming from his hands.
I stood up and looked up at him dead in the eyes fire coming out of my palms. Fighting fire with fire never hurt me.
"Sit down" we both looked at Aizawa-sensi who looked like he wanted to kill us I sat at down and stared daggers at that bitch made nigga in front of me. After class, Mina and Kirishima asked me to sit with them I was kinda behind since I came so late in the year apparently, Bakubitch was kidnapped? Other then having to sit with that bitch Bakugou school was fun. I made friends with a couple of people. After school, I went to my dorm and it looked really pretty. All my new clothes and makeup my dad bought were in there. I went to the bathroom washed my hair and went to my hair, nails, and lash appointment. I was so.. pretty after, but that's besides the point after that I came back to the dorm and went to sleep.


1117 words😹
We're getting somewhere

Snobby (K.Bakugou x fem Y/n)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ