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Slimecicles POV
I was just walking around the Qsmp trying to find people to talk to until I see what looks like a wild fire. I ran towards it seeing if I could help or see anyone that was in there. When I got there, there was a random building that strangely reminded me of my old house. Everyone was already there trying to help. I don't know what got into me but I ran inside with people yelling to come back "IS ANYONE THERE?!" I started coughing and heard someone yelling. I ran into the room where the yelling came from
"JUANA FLIPPA?!". My eyes started getting blurry and I realized that I was sobbing but getting Juana flippa out was my first priority. I reached out to her and was about to pull her ou-*CRASH*

My eyes shot open and I sat up quickly from my bed. I felt myself shaking and I curled up into a ball. I started sobbing and my breathing got quicker then I felt a hand on my shoulder "hey, Are you okay?" Mariana said. He then gently moved me into his lap hugging me "it's okay it's okay. if you want we can talk about it , I'm here for you. Just breath in and out okay? In and out"  after a bit I managed to calm down and told Mariana about the nightmare I had. Thankfully he understood and tried to distract me by telling me about some funny things that happened to him recently, he even asked me about some funny things that happened to me. After talking for about an hour I calmed down enough to get some sleep.

When I woke up I tried to feel for Mariana but he wasn't there. I shot straight up looking around the room for Mariana but I couldn't find him. My breathing started getting faster and I shut my eyes and tried to calm myself down but it didn't work "hey ,hey it's okay I'm here" I opened my eyes to see Mariana hugging me and breakfast sitting on the bed "you okay?" "Yeah ,yeah I'm fine I'm okay" I took a deep breath and hugged Mariana back "thanks for being there for me" "it's fine I'll always be there when you need me" "thanks for breakfast Mari" "your welcome slime"
A mix of @kitty_katy-_-  and  @KomradedeWithDeNukes  recommendations

Slimecicle x el MarianaWhere stories live. Discover now