The Heat

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A week later:
"You sit in the back," Riggs stated, tapping his knuckle on the back window.

"Yeah I figured as much," I snapped with attitude, annoyed by Riggs' very presence. He stared deeply at me with so much animosity. I wanted to sock him right in the nuts, but thought it was inappropriate given that we had to leave for a call. Plus if anything had broken out, Murtaugh would surely stop us. So the only thing I could do was wait until I had Riggs alone before I got too clever.

"Don't start one of your bitch fits right now. I'm not in the mood for this shit," he barked throwing open the door for me.

"Maybe if you weren't such an asshole, I wouldn't be a bitch," I took a seat, glaring up at him.

"No, I think you're a bitch twenty-four seven and you just choose to blame it on me."

"No, you're an asshole."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"No. I'm. Not."

"Yes. The. Fuck. You. Are."


"If you two don't knock it the fuck off, I'm gonna have the captain assign you both together doing paper work in the office!" Murtaugh barged in as he claimed the driver's seat, "Riggs get in the car!" Riggs gave me the look of death as he slammed my door shut and made his way to the passenger's side.

"Fucking prick," I whispered, pushing myself as close to the window as possible. The duo got in, shutting their doors at the same time. Riggs immediately turned his head toward me, and wouldn't look away. His face was beet red, his eyes burned with hate, and his nostrils began to flare. "Do you have a problem?" I questioned, folding my arms.

"Yeah. It's you."

"Oh good, I thought it was something else!"

"I'm not going to tell you guys again," Murtaugh barked as he started the car up. I threw myself against the door like a child, as did Riggs. I was beyond sick of his bullshit, and couldn't wait to be out of the car. He was truly making my blood boil.

"Hey Rog, what's this call about?" I questioned, looking out the window.

"Guy on a ledge. We got to stop him before he jumps," Murtaugh retorted as he flicked on the siren and sped out of the parking garage.

"Can we push Riggs off instead?"

"Just as long as you come with me sugar tits," Riggs chuckled, rubbing his thumb against his lip.

"Oh it's sugar tits now?!" I lunged forward, giving him a smack upside the head. He immediately turned toward me, eyes bulging out.

"ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU!" Murtaugh had had enough, he just couldn't take it. "Riggs you shut your mouth, and Lyssa just ignore him."

"But she--"


I'm going to kill him. I swear.

As much as I love the job, I really began to question how much longer I could deal with Riggs before I was convicted of murder.

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