Walking Home From School

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(The story starts off with Emily, Kelsey, Lily, Chloe, and April walking home from school, chatting)

Kelsey: So, what do you guys wanna do now?

Emily: Well, we can hang out, like, go one of our houses.

Lily: Let's go to my house. My mom's making spaghetti.

Emily: She is?

Lily: Yeah. My mom makes the best spaghetti. No restaurant or 5 star chef's spaghetti are as good as my mom's.

Emily: Well, in that case, I say we try it.

April: That can work, but we have to go to my house after. I just got the Galaxy Station 5 and that new game that comes with it, so I'm thinking we can all play together.

Kelsey: Wait, the Galaxy Station's out?!

April: Yep.

Chloe: I'd love to go to your house, April, but your siblings...

April: Yeah, I know how much of a problem they can be. Especially Calvin.

Kelsey: I swear, If one of them pulls on my ponytail again, there's gonna be problem.

April: (Threatening) And if you lay on a finger on one of them, I'll pull your ponytail clean off.

Kelsey: Yeesh, I was just kidding, April. Learn how to take a joke sometimes.

April: (Chuckles, then smirks) You're the one who needs to learn to take a joke.

Chloe: How about we go to my house for a study session?

Lily: Uhhh, no offense, Chloe, but I don't really wanna have a study session.

Kelsey: And besides, it's almost the weekend. Who needs to study on a Thursday anyway?

Chloe: You know, just because it's almost the weekend, doesn't mean you can't study. It's really important to think of weekends as not just days of relaxing, but more free time to study.

Kelsey: Chloe, I appreciate your knowledge of trying to help us, but trust me; i know what I'm doing.

Chloe: (Smiling Mischieviously) Your grades say otherwise.

(Kelsey gives a shocked and embarassed look at Chloe's remark as the others laugh)

Emily: Man, Chloe really got you there, huh?

Kelsey: (Annoyingly looks at Emily) Oh, yeah. Look who's talking? Miss, "Studying's hard, I'd rather read fairytales all day".

Emily: (Nervously Laughing) Hey, I was just kidding, Miss "Volleyball's my life, I don't like taking showers". (Laughs)

April: (Chuckles) Nice one, Ems.

Kelsey: Oh, yeah?! Um, well...so was I, Misssss..."Pink...H-Hair...Chocolate...Drill...-" Aw, screw it, you won.

Emily: Hehe. I knew I'd get you to crack. Now, how about some of Lily's mom's spaghetti?

Lily: Trust me when I say this, guys. You're not gonna regret it for a second.

(Just then, a guy with sunglasses, black hair, black shirt, and black pants walks in front of the girls)

Guy: We need you guy's help!

Emily: Um..do we know you?

Guy: No time to explain! Come on, let's go! [He goes behind the girls and starts pushing them forward]

Kelsey: Hey, haven't you heard to keep your hands to yourself?!

Lily: W-What's happening?

(They finally stop infront of a sewer)

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