Another Sleepover

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(Emily, Kelsey, Lily, Chloe, and April are all back at Kelsey's house for another sleepover. They are all at the same places they were sleeping the other side in order to try to increase the chances of having the same dream.)

Emily: So, what's the plan again?

Kelsey: It's simple. All we need to do is go to sleep the exact same way we did last night, and before you know it, we're back in the dream.

Emily: Seems easy enough. I was sleeping next to where your volleyball bag is.

Lily: I was sleeping near the bed while hugging my penguin plush.

Chloe: I was sleeping on the other side near your bed.

April: I was sleeping near the wall where your poster is.

Kelsey: And I was chillaxing in my bed like a pro. 'Night, guys.

The girls: 'Night.

(Kelsey turns off the light and she and the girls all go to sleep. After a few minutes, it cuts to a pink void with Emily, Lily, Chloe, and April in the middle)

Emily: Where the heck are we?

April: Beats me.

Lily: I think we're in the dream.

Chloe: No, this can't be the dream. This isn't how it started.

Emily: I think the other question we need to ask is where the heck is Kelsey?

Kelsey: Uh, guys?

(The four girls turn around and sees Kelsey, who has a giant toe for a head)

Emily: Kelsey?! What's with the new look?!

Kelsey: I don't think this is the right dream.

(In real life, the girls shot up awake and upset that they weren't where they were supposed to go)

Kelsey: Damnit, it didn't work! Is everyone in the right position?

Emily: I totally remember sleeping in this exact spot.

Lily: I'm in the right spot, too.

Chloe: Maybe there's something we're not doing correctly.

Kelsey: Well, it's plainly obvious something not being done right, 'cause we're not in the- [Remembers] Wait a minute. That's it!

Emily: What's it?

Kelsey: Emily, you stubbed your toe last night while coming into my room, remember? That's why we dreamt about me with a toe for a head!

Emily: [Upset] Oh yeah..

Lily: That means if you stub your toe again, we'll be in the dream.

Kelsey: Come on, Ems. You gotta stub your toe again.

Emily: But, do I have to?

Kelsey: You wanna save Candy or not?

(Emily takes a deep breath, knowing what she has to do. She stands up and walks up to the doorframe, where she stubbed her toe last night.)

Emily: (To Herself) Please...don't make this hurt.

(She covers her eyes with her hand, and without hesitation, kicks the doorframe as hard as she could. She then grabs her foot and starts yelping in pain. She looks back at her toe and sees it is now swollen and purple. A risk she had to take to save Candy. She carefully walks back to her spot)

Emily: Ugh! My toe is killing me!

Kelsey: Relax, Ems. That pain in your foot will be all worth it once we get back into the dream.

Glitter Force: Dream WorldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora