Candy's Gone?!

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Chloe: What do you mean she's gone?! How did that happen?!

Emily: I-I don't know! I was coming to look for my uniform, and she didn't come flying over to me like she usually does! I-I checked where she usually sleeps, and I.....I didn't see her! I looked everywhere for her! My closet, under my bed, downstairs without my mom finding out, EVERYWHERE!

April: D-Do you know how she disappeared?

Emily: If I knew that, I would've found her by now! I saw her get into bed last night, and the next morning, I can't find her!

Kelsey: (Jokingly) Maybe, she got kidnapped by Brute, just like in our dreams. [Snickers]

(Emily's sadness suddenly turned to rage at Kelsey's joke. The audacity to joke about something so serious ticked her off badly enough to do something she's never done before: Yell at her friend)


(The girls were all taken aback by how Emily was acting. They've never seen her act this way before, and were genuinely concerned for her. After a couple seconds of breathing heavily, she seems to have calmed down a bit, but was still extremely upset)

Emily: (Regretful) I-I'm sorry I yelled like that. I-I didn't mean to. I'm really stressed about Candy being gone, and....and...

(Filled with too much sadness, Emily falls to her knees and suddenly starts to sob loudly into her hands while the others watch in concern for their friend. It hurt them to see Emily in this condition. All worked up and emotional. Kelsey slowly walked up to her and crouched down to her while putting her hand on Emily's shoulder, though, that didn't stop Emily from sobbing.)

Kelsey: Hey, don't worry about it. Everything gonna be OK.

Emily: (Looking up) W-What? What do you mean everything gonna be OK? *Sniffle* I lost Candy for crying out loud!

Kelsey: So that why after school today, we're all gonna come back here, and help you look for her.

Emily: (While wiping tears from her eyes) R-Really?

Lily: Of course we are. You're our friend, Ems. What kind of friends would leave their friend depressed like this?

April: That's right. We won't care if it takes all day and night. We'll help you look for Candy no matter what.

Chloe: We'll make sure to search every single room until we find her.

Kelsey: We promise.

(Emily eventually starts to feel a bit better knowing her best friends are willing to help her find Candy. She wipes away all her tears and is now smiling)

Emily: (Happy) Thank you guys so much. You guys are the best friends I could ask for.

Kelsey: Anytime, Ems. Now come on, we're gonna be late for school.

Emily: Oh, right.

(Emily finds her uniform and puts it on. She joins the others outside and they start walking to school. Although Emily was happy that her friends were willing to help Emily find Candy, she still couldn't get over her disappearance. She was still upset about how she and Candy were literally having fun before the sleepover at Kelsey's, and now, she's gone. During the walk to school, she hasn't said a single word. Usually, she wouldn't love anything more than to talk with the girls while walking, but she was just to upset to talk. At school, Emily's sadness continued to grow as the school day went on. She tried her best to just forget about it, but she couldn't, no matter how hard she tried. She always brought Candy to school with her no matter what, and now, without her little pixie companion, she felt nothing but sadness. Emily was so happy yesterday. Before she even went to the sleepover at Kelsey's, and Candy decided to stay, Emily decided to make sure she and Candy had tons of fun before she left. They laughed together, played together, and watched T.V together. Sure, the two had their fair share of arguements and disagreements, but they both are really close. When she wasn't hanging out with the other girls, she and Candy would spend the most time together. Candy was more than your typical pixie mascot. She was a best friend. She, along with the other girls, were there when Emily would have a horrible day. She was someone that could talk to Emily about something. She was someone Emily and the others could have the most fun with. She was someone who liked having her ears done. She was someone that would cry on Emily's shoulder whenever she didn't have to do it with Pop. Sure, the five girls were all close like sisters, but Emily and Candy had a connection that no one and their mascot can even try to top. Emily was so overfilled with sadness over Candy, that she almost broke down a few times in class, but luckily, she was able to keep herself under control. The only time she cried about Candy in school was when she was alone with her friends, letting out all the emotions she was bottling up the past couple of hours at school while they hugged her and comforted her. Then, school ended, and the five girls walked home from school. But this time, it's different. They knew what they were going to do today. They weren't gonna just hang out at one of their houses to eat, play video games, watch TV, or talk. They were going to Emily's house, but for one reason, and one reason only: To look for Candy.)

Kelsey: Soooo, school's over now. You know what that means, Ems?

Emily: I-I know. It's time to go over to my house and look for Candy.

Chloe: Remember, we'll search every single room in your house until we find her.

April: And we won't rest 'till we make sure we find her. No matter what.

Lily: Yeah. It could take us until the next day, or the day after that, or even a week. We don't care! We just don't wanna see you like this anymore. I-It hurts us to see you this sad, and we won't stand here and leave you depressed. We're gonna help you find Candy even if it's the last thing we do.

Kelsey: Exactly! You know we always got your back.

Emily: I-I really can't thank you guys enough. You're just the sweetest.

(While walking, something in the grass caught Lily's eye. She went over to investigate it, while the other noticed and looked at her confused)

Kelsey: Um...Lily, what are you doing?

Lily: Sorry, girls. I just found something that looks kinda familiar.

Emily: What is it?

(Lily turns around to show the others what she has. A small pink bow. That wasn't any particular bow, though. It was Candy's bow)

Emily: Is that..Candy's bow?

Lily: So that's why it looked familiar.

April: What the heck is it doing all the way out here?

Kelsey: I have no idea. [Notices something in front of her] Wait, guys look!

(The girls look at what Kelsey's talking about. A sewer hole.)

Chloe: A manhole?

Kelsey: Yeah! Remember?! We went through a manhole in our dreams!

Chloe: (Smiling) Don't tell me you're still on about the dream being real. [Chuckles]

Kelsey: I mean, it could be! Candy's bow coincidentally near where a manhole is placed? Does that not scream "The dream is real" to any of you?!

April: I-I think Kelsey may be correct on this one, guys.

Emily: Why? What happened?

(April nervously showed the girls a small chunk of hair. It kinda looked like the style of an afro. Kinda like...a troll. The other gasp in shock)

Kelsey: don't think-

Chloe: The dream actually came true..

Lily: (Freaked Out) B-B-B-Brute..k-kidnapped Candy in real life!

Emily: Wait! I have a feeling this wasn't in real life.

Lily: What do you mean?

Emily: Here's what I know. I specifically remember seeing Candy sleeping before I left for the sleepover. But, by the time I went to look for my uniform, she was gone. Now, whenever Candy wanted to go somewhere, she'd always tell me in advance, so I have a heads up. And even if Brute actually took Candy, my house would've been a mess or something, or they would've left a note or some clues saying they took Candy and I would never see her again. In the dream, Candy was kidnapped by Brute, and we have Candy's bow, and what looks like Brute's hair. But without any true real life evidence to prove this was real, that means-

Lily: The reason Candy's gone was because of that dream. So that means, if order to save Candy in the real world, we need to save her in the dream world, right?

Emily: Uhh....Yeah. I was just about to say that, but you kinda interrupted me.

Lily: O-Oh, sorry.

Emily: It's fine. What matters is that if we're gonna save Candy, we gotta get some sleep.

Kelsey: Uh-huh, I think I get what you're saying here, Ems. Everyone, go back to your houses, pack the stuff you'll need, bring your PJs, convince your parents, meet up at my house at 8. We're having another sleepover.

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