The Dream

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Emily: (Looking around) Where are we?

April: Correct if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is a junkyard. All this junk lying around, the poor environment, and the creepy vibes say it all.

Kelsey: I don't really care about this stupid junkyard. I just care about where we go to find Brute, kick his butt, and get Candy.

Chloe: Up there.

(The others look to what Chloe's referring to and see that she's pointing to a hill of junk that's on an angle good enough to walk or climb on, possibly leading somewhere)

Chloe: If we can climb that hill of junk, it could probably lead us somewhere to get us Candy.

Emily: Well, there's no time to waste. Come on, girls! Let's get to climbing!

(Emily is the first to run over to the junk hill and starts to speed climb it. Her determination to save Candy is more evident than ever. The other don't climb, but start watching as she climbs)

Kelsey: Well, someone's motivated.

Lily: That does go to show how much Emily cares for Candy.

Emily: (Calling to her friends) Guys, what are you still doing down there?! Come on! We gotta get Candy.

April: We're comin', Ems!

(Lily, Chloe, and April run over to the pile and start climbing it, while Kelsey walks over to the pile bored. She stops in her tracks when she spots something shining on the ground below her. She picks it up and it's a gold ring)

Kelsey: Woah, a golden ring! This thing must be worth like, a billion dollar! [Puts it in her pocket] Finders Keepers.

(Something else shine below Kelsey that catches her attention. The object is revealed to be a gold bracelet. She picks it up.)

Kelsey: Ooo, a gold bracelet. [Puts it in her pocket] Finders keepers, again!

(Something else shine below Kelsey that catches her attention. The object this time is revealed to be a diamond-encrusted chain that spells her name on it. She picks it up and looks at it excitedly.)

Kelsey: A diamond-encrusted chain that spells "Kelsey"?! Oh, this is definitely mine! [Instead of putting it away like she did the others, she puts it around her neck and wears it] Lookin' good, Kelsey. Lookin' Good.

(All of the girls are now climbing the junk mountain. While Emily, Lily, Chloe, and April are climbing the mountain with ease, Kelsey had a bit trouble catching up with them. Reason being is she's covered in all sorts of jewelry. The jewelry she has consists of the ring she found that's now on her pointer middle, a big gold chain necklace with a dollar sign on it, the diamond-encrusted chain with her name on it, the golden bracelet, a queen's crown, diamond sunglasses, and two diamond leg bracelets.)

Emily: (To Kelsey) Kelsey, what's going on? How come you're so slow?

Kelsey: (Exhausted) S-Sorry, it's just that...I've got all this j-jewelry, and it's..kinda hard to catch up.

April: Well, take the jewelry off then. It's not like you're gonna wear it in the real world.

Kelsey: Are you crazy?! I can't take off all this jewelry off! [Shows them the chain that has her name] Look at this one! It literally has my name on it! Don't you know how rare these are?!

Lily: That does look like a pretty good necklace, Kelsey.

Kelsey: See? At least Lily likes my stuff!

Emily: Kelsey, you sure you don't need to take the jewelry off?

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