It Was A Dream?

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(As it turns out, this whole thing was just a dream. All five girls shot up awake and looked around Kelsey's room. They wanted to have a sleepover at Kelsey's, and everything was going well, possibly until the dream)

Emily: W-What's happening? What time is it?

Kelsey's Mom: (From downtstairs) Kelsey, if you're awake, wake up your friends! Breakfast is ready!

(The girls all looked at each other a bit confused. Not because of what Kelsey's mom just said, but because of the dream. They didn't want to talk about it right now, so decided to probably discuss it while they were eating.)

Kelsey: Coming, Mom!

(They all headed downstairs and saw Kelsey's mom bring five plate with each having 6 stacks of waffles and set them on the table)

Kelsey's Mom: Good morning, Girls.

Kelsey: Mornin', Mom.

Emily, Lily, April, and Chloe: Morning, Mrs. Kelsey's mom.

Kelsey's Mom: I already made you girls waffles, so eat up. [To Kelsey] And I made sure to made yours with extra love, my little angel.

Kelsey: (A bit embarrassed) Hehe, t-thanks, Mom.

Kelsey's Mom: I love you, Kelsey-kins.

Kelsey: (Embarrassed) I love you, too, Mom, but please. M-My friends are here.

Kelsey's Mom: Oh, sorry about that, my little pumpkin.

(The others giggled while Kelsey blushes in embarrasment)

Kelsey: Mom!

Kelsey's Mom: OK, OK, I'll stop. Anyways, your brother's already at school and your dad's running some errands, so I just wanna let you know. Now eat up.

(Kelsey's mom went back into her room and closed the door. The girls started to eat their waffles. As much as they wanted to talk about the dream, they were a bit hesitant to. They thought it would probably sound a bit weird about a dream where they all get pushed down a sewer hole and sent to some dimension where they witnessed Candy being kidnapped by Brute. Finally, Emily decided to break the silence and talk about the dream)

Emily: You guys.....I had this weird dream last night..

Kelsey: Your dream was weird too?

Lily: Hey, my dream was also weird.

Chloe: Mine too.

April: Yeah, my dream was kinda weird.

Kelsey: Wait, what was it about?

Emily: So first, it started off with me and you guys walking home from school, and this guy with sunglasses, black hair, black shirt and black pants walked up to us and shoved us in a sewer hole.

Kelsey: Wait a minute, that's exactly what happened in my dream!

Lily: That happened in my dream too.

Chloe: What a coincidence.

April: What else happened?

Emily: Then, we went through this rainbow vortex, and ended up in some eerie field.

Kelsey: Eerie place? Wait, don't tell me..

The girls: Purple and blue sky with tall blue grass!

April: That's exactly where we ended up in my dream!

Chloe: Yeah, same thing happened to me.

Kelsey: OK, OK, OK. What else happened, Ems?

Emily: And then, we saw Candy floating around in the middle of the field, she started to fly away, and that's when Brute comes in and kidnaps her!

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