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"Hey, chu, what cha laughin' at?" Little 5-year-old Derek made his way at Phoebe, eyeing her like she had a foot on her head.

"I..." Phoebe trailed off, knowing nothing would help her defend her self this time, like all the other times. Derek took her sandwich, and bit off a big section of it, so big, he couldn't even close his mouth.

"Hey! Stop it! You're mean!" Nick made his way to Phoebe's side.


"Tho," Nick started, with his s's as th's, which Phoebe found cute. "You should leave Pheebeth alone! You meany!"

"Yeah, you jerk!" By this time, Ester made her way up to Phoebe, and stared intently at Derek, trying to chase him off.

"Let's go play dress up!" Ester, aka, Ess, pulled her towards the little box, Nick following

"Yeah! I wonna be a doctor! A Doctor!"

And just as Poebe took her second step, she heard Derek vow, "I'll get chu Phoebe."

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