Knots and tangles

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Robin and Finney had been dating for a few months now, and things were going great. They were both teenagers, with Robin being 15 and Finney being 14. Robin had really curly hair that he loved, but it could be a pain to manage at times. He often got frustrated while brushing it, and today was no exception.

Robin sat on the edge of his bed, his hair a mess as he tried to brush it out. "Ugh, why won't this stupid hair cooperate?" he muttered to himself.

Finney, who was sitting on the floor nearby, looked up at Robin with a smile. "Need some help there?" he asked.

Robin looked over at Finney with a grateful expression. "Would you? I just can't seem to get it right today."

Finney got up and walked over to Robin, standing behind him. He took the brush from Robin's hand and began to gently work through his curls. "You have such beautiful hair," he said softly. "It just needs a little extra care sometimes."

Robin sighed contentedly as Finney worked on his hair. "Thanks for doing this," he said. "It feels really nice."

Finney chuckled. "No problem at all. I love helping you."

The two of them continued to chat as Finney worked on Robin's hair, and before long, it was looking much neater and more manageable. Robin was grateful for Finney's help, and the experience had brought them even closer together.

As they finished up, Finney leaned in and gave Robin a kiss on the cheek. "There you go, all set," he said.

Robin grinned. "Thanks again. You're the best boyfriend ever."

Finney blushed a little at the compliment. "You're pretty great yourself," he said. "Now let's go do something fun."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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