004. familiar face, familiar sounds

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We all have to make decisions. What your gonna eat for breakfast, what outfit in your closet will make the cut today, and even as big as who your gonna marry. No matter how big or small the situation is, it all matters. Every choice you make in your life will affect you whether you like it or not. Good, bad, or ugly you have to face it.

Your life isn't pre-written, you picked up the pen the day you had to make your first choice. It's all written in pen. Of course, you can try to fix the effects of a bad decision you made but there is no erasing it. Too many bad ones and there goes your happy ending.

Oh well, happy endings are over rated anyways..

Small Bar in Los Angeles

Her eyes swam with tears as she down her third drink of the night. She wasn't drunk—maybe slightly buzzed. Her phone vibrated for the sixth time in the last minute but the alcohol started to sound louder than anything else in the room. She flipped her phone faced down, she knew who's name was written across the screen and honestly she didn't want to see it again— not right now, not tonight.

Everything seemed to be moving slow motion except her heart. It was racing as fast as if she has just finished running a mile.

"Hey lady?", the bartender announced , "You need me to call you a cab or something?" Everything in her wanted to tell him off in that very moment and tell him to fuck off and do his job— but she didn't. Instead the woman just glared at the man instead and demanded another drink.

Conversation danced throughout the whole bar but one set of words caught her attention, "I thought that was you." She winced at the words, debating with herself weather or not she should take a look. Who the hell so called "recognized" her in a town she's visited once— maybe twice in her whole life?

At this point she knew his words were directed at her. His shadow towered over her body and he wasn't budging. She threw her head back taking the last shot of Tequila she would probably have tonight. "Here we go." she thought.

The woman turned slowly to reveal the speaker but started speaking before she could even get a good look at his face. "Look, I'm sorry ok! I was goi—" The face was familiar but not who she expected it to be.

"Anna Carrera, long time no see."


Present Day
Outer Banks

The teens were back on the water as they approached the beat-down motel where their mystery Grady-White owner resided.

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