005. blast from the past

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Life is like a series of books—every stage of your life is the start of a new one. A nice solid hard cover, freshly pressed pages without a crease in sight, not revealing its story until you bring yourself to open it. Endless chapters, new eras, and sometimes your left with a cliffhanger, could be good or bad, depends on who's story it is.

Some people's story make you just want to get cozy by the fire and snuggle up in a blanket and binge-read for hours—mostly sob stories, people love a good cry.

For the reader, it might be a great read but of course that's because they're not living it. They're just looking in from the outside crying tears that don't belong to them feeling bad for someone they don't know.

Why does a heart wrenching story grant you so much pleasure to where you can't put the book down while the main character is dying on the inside from how much they wish they could escape the pages?

It's not like you want to live their story—do you?


August 17th, 2018

Dear diary,

today is the day! The very first day of high school! I'm so excited but I'm also kind of scared. I really want people to like me, and I want to make tons of friends. I know I'll be ok though because I have Kiara. We actually have two classes this year, last year we didn't have any so it's pretty cool! Maybe I'll even get a real boyfriend this year because now that I'm not in denial anymore and I know 1D is really broken up it feels wrong to pick sides. Anyways, Mom let me and Kie have our first cups of coffee today, it didn't taste that good but then I added like five scoops of sugar, honey, and cinnamon and now I can see why grown ups drink it everyday— this stuff is amazing! Outfit of the day: School uniform, silver jewelry, with a pair of the cutest sandals! Well I have to go now my sister's waiting for me. Wish me luck!


High school— life-changing, intimidating, exciting, and every boy with jumping hormones dream.

Anna dropped the girls off as she kissed them on their foreheads and told them to have a good day. Kiara and Kassidy clutched onto their backpack—one covered with turtles and the other glittery pink. They held onto each others hands while they slowly approached the double doors.

"You ready?" asked the older sibling. No words were spoken just a series of nods to show agreement. Kie grabbed ahold on the door, once it swung open the young girl could feel the pages of a new book being wrote. "Woah." the young girl said to herself in awe.

Both sisters were brought back to reality by the rambling of their hyper black haired friend, Mia.

"Oh my god do you guys see this place! It's like Mall of America on steroids! Ok maybe it's not actually that big but it feels like it!"

The girls met Mia towards the beginning of eighth grade. Kassidy was alone in the hallway with some weird kid that kept teasing her and pulling her hair. Kie was no where to be found and if there was one thing Mia hated more than clumpy mascara it was bullies. So she kicked him— right in the balls. They've all been close ever since.

Kassidy laughed at her friend that clearly endured in a cup of coffee this morning too. "This is going to be the best year ever, I can feel it!"

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