Chapter 1 - A Gift From A Mysterious Stranger

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Yngritor was roaming the dilapidated streets of Kynsorth, an insipid city in the irreconcilable dictatorship that is Gorvexium. Yngritor was rushing to the orphanage to escape the snowstorm that the town's shaman had foreseen. 'The shaman said that tonight was to be one of the coldest nights since the Dark Ages', thought Yngritor. The acerbic orphanage appeared in the distance, he remembered when he first saw it, he was only eight years of age. The orphanage certainly wasn't a sight to behold, there were cracks in the ancient terra cotta roof and the brick was suffering was years of mold, in addition to this, the orphanage had old creaky floorboards, it also had a minor rat infestation. The cobblestone base of the orphanage was crumbling and was constantly damp. And the cedar pillars were heavily worn and unstable. Seeing Celaka, Yngritor stopped and asked him a question, 'how old is the orphanage? Though you needn't tell the whole tale'. Setting down his pile of wood, Celaka waited a few moments before speaking. 'This orphanage, being around since Tsvilenev Dron's time, is in suprising good condition. Especially because he was Saleth Dron's great great great great grandfather. Though Saleth Dron was defeated 400 years prior and before that, hadn't been seen for over 6000 years', said Celaka Tsyrinski, who was the town blacksmith. 'Thanks Celaka, now I must make haste, for I am already late for supper. Also tonight shall bear an extremely dangerous!', said Yngritor. 'Aye, both of which I am already aware of, now be on your way lad', said Celaka. 'Oh! One more thing, how is your pneumonoultramicroscopicsillicovolcanoconiosis doing? Also tell Tateanna I said hi', said Yngritor. Taking a quick deep breath, Celaka said 'to be honest, it has gotten worse. Though don't worry about me, now be on your way lad'. Starting to run again, Yngritor ran towards the orphanage, that is, as far as his short legs could carry him. As he ran, the sky shifted from blue to a dark ominous grey, and a heavy rain began to fall. Not stopping to stare in confusion at the sudden change in weather, Yngritor ran even faster towards the orphanage. Soon he was 30 fathoms from the orphanage, and as he got closer, he noticed Zkold was waiting on the rough cut granite steps. Seeing her, he ran ever faster, and soon the world became a blur, and began to spin, though only for several minutes. Slowing down his pace to a walk, he eventually made it to Zkold. Noticing he was out of breath and incredibly dizzy, she told him to sit down on the stairs while she got a blanket and glass of water. Opening the old damp mahogany doors, Zkold went into a small hidden closet and grabbed a thick decorated fluffy brown blanket and went to a cabinet in the kitchen. As she did, the old floorboards creaked and groaned. Opening the cabinet, she reached in and grabbed a large glass and ran like lightning to the well to fill it. Quickly pulling up a bucket, she filled the glass and sped towards Yngritor. Giving him the glass, she wrapped him in the blanket. Drinking from the cup and taking long slow deep breaths, he began to calm down. Stroking his long blonde hair, Zkold asked 'how are you feeling? Do you require anything else? If you need anything, let me know'. Taking his time to answer he eventually spoke, I am fine. Give me ten minutes and I'll be ready. Also please don't tell Gretel that I am here. I have a surprise and I don't want it to be ruined by this most unfortunate turn of events'. Nodding, Zkold left Yngritor and stepped inside. Looking around him, he sighed and sipped on some more of his water. The rain by now had softened into a light drizzle as a pale white light pierced the dark veil. The clouds, starting to thin away and drift towards the south, grew lighter. As Yngritor waited for his headache to pass, a tall strange man with pointy ears walked up to him and handed him a smooth mysterious green stone. This man had long find white hair and dark passionate brown eyes. 'Hello Yngritor, I am Count Ibinyer Vlad Tobospicus, and this is a dragon scale. Keep it safe, for it will bring you good luck, but only if you tell none of it. I must go now, for I have important business to attend to in Skorobogatov. All I will say about it is that the Church of Bleukritzram in the northern region is attempting to break away from my rule. Simply because I denied them any further funding. The leader of the church, Yehezkel Tkatchenko, is convinced that I am using Skorobogatov's treasury for my own selfish desires. I have done nothing of the sort. 11 times he has called for a holy war, and it is because of him that my country is in debt. I....... The church, already receives many donations, and I am at wits end as for what to do. You see, I suspect that it is they, and not I, that is corrupt. For though they claim that they use the donations to help the poor, nothing of the sort has happened. Ten years ago I visited those in need, and ten years before I did the same. And the only thing growing is the church's wealth and political influence. Those vile priests sit upon thrones in houses that matches the regality of my own. While MY SUBJECTS LIVE IN THE GUTTERS. I am partial to going to the church and destroying it, punishing all of them for their wretched lies. Though, if I did, there would be political outcries, and the Faithfuls, and the Nobles would overthrow me. The Faithfuls, a group of religiously devout law abiding citizens who wield great influence. And the Nobles, a group of powerful lords and merchants. I would have given them further funding, but I was greater concerned about our army and the strength of our defenses. I am not a man of embellishment, as some know. I am of the belief that it is the humble farmer, that keeps society going. For you see, it is because of their skill in reaping the plentiful bounty of the Earlth, that so many great civilizations have survived for hundreds of thousands of years. Particularly, the settlements of the Ziwaer, for they have had settlements in Lomptyrgesh for nearly 864293 years. Oh how I could go on and on about history, however, none of us have the time. I have a friend who can tell you more on this when the time is right. You will know him when you see him. Also I received the scale from Cilubreth Uranor, queen of Jyntral-Uransior. That is all!', and with that, Count Ibinyer left. Slowly rising from the steps, Yngritor turned around and decided that he was ready and placed his small , fair skinned hand on the knob and turned it.

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