Chapter 4 - Trials and Education

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Cold. That was all that Yngritor could feel. It had been 6 hours since he had left for the wilderness in pursuit in pursuit of his Rite of Passage, and he was already starting to hunger. It would be light soon, and he still hadn't found a shelter. The shadows were evershifting in the early hours as the sun was beginning to peer out of the cold frosty mountains. The sky drifting from a hazy purple to a weary lavender. He trekked for 30 more minutes and climbed a frost laden hill blanketed in snow. Gazing around the low, heavily forested landscape with his observant eyes for several moments, he soon found a cave that appeared to be empty, yet had an omonious feeling. Running to the narrow frozen mouth of the cave with a speed only brought on by desperation, he soon found to his relief, there were stone tools and flint and rope and a bow and 18 arrows. Hesitantly grabbing the firm spear and the slightly worn ax, Yngritor stepped out of the cave and ventured off towards a stream he heard when he entered the cave. Following the faint but ice cold stream until it came to a roar, he came across various berries, a rabbit, and a pond. 'Strange, why hasn't this pond frozen over yet? Oh well, I'll find out soon enough I guess', thought Yngritor. Little did he know, however, that the reason for this pond not freezing was because of an old Orc sage nicknamed Gorlisuun the Terrible had enchanted it. Heading back for the cave, Yngritor followed the new faint light of day. This time, however, there were many crows cawing and fresh bear tracks in the snow. When in the cave, Yngritor made a fire and started to roast the rabbit. While the rabbit was cooking, he started to munch on the berries. As the smoke rose to the ceiling of the cave, it created a moldy smell which conflicted with the seductive aroma of the roasted rabbit. When the rabbit finished roasting, he took the rabbit of the rotisserie and began to eat it. While he was eating, a large, mysterious, cloaked figure suddenly appeared behind him and uttered a low, guttural growl. Shaking with fear Yngritor slowly turned around and saw a large horned figure, and prepared to meet his fate. Slowly grinning, his rotten, yellow cracked teeth bared, the Orc advanced towards Yngritor slowly, and with one swift motion of his long, gnarled ebony sceptor, quickly extinquished the fire and turned around, nodding his head towards the back of the cave, indicating that he should follow. Yngritor, sensing that arguing would be a fatal mistake, quickly followed the Orc deeper into the cave. The deeper they descended into the cave, the more Yngritor noticed thd cave went underground for many miles and was crawling with insects and was blanketed in moss. After a while, Yngritor gained the courage to ask Gorlisuun a question. 'What is your name? I won't trouble you, sir', said Yngritor. Grunting in disapproval, the Orc replied 'Gorlisuun the Terrible', and if you don't cease this idle chatter I'll incinerate you before you can draw your next breath'. Yngritor, immediately silencing his tongue, continued to follow Gorlisuun and after 50 minutes of going down a long, winding path came to an ancient engraved mossy stone staircase. 'Before we continue, you must commit an oath to never speak of this place', said Gorlisuun, his old crackly voice echoing off the stalactites of the massive cave. 'I promise to never speak of this place', said Yngritor. 'Ahhh, excellent. Now, repeat after me. 'In our strive for perfection, we create a means for our own destruction', said Gorlisuun. 'In our strive for perfection, we create a means for our own destruction', said Yngritor, his voice indicating a lack of faith. 'When the time comes, you will understand the meaning of this simple old phrase', said Gorlisuun. 'Though do note that, you're being brought to my king, Wuunthard. He will decide you fate. For being in Kulundvid territory unauthorized is considered a great crime, and the king follows many blood laws. The one which you have broken is Nemo Me Impune Lacessit, which dictates, that, under no circumstances, shall anyone who has commited a crime ever walk free. The reason I tell you this, is because I have forseen the future. You have a great destiny, thou art destined to overthrow the wicked queen, for she was the one who ordered Gretel Liechtenstein's assassination, and Ruflaus has been touched by Orontili Sorei. Who is an ancient sorceror whe ravaged the land in the Dark Ages, but was defeated by the Archangel Miguela De Santa Ve Toro in these woods. But the evil in Ruflaus's hearg is what has awakened Orontili Sorei. After 6748 years of stone imprisonment, the one who defeated him so long ago has long since joined the Ether, and the only thing standing between him and total domination is you. But alas, you are far too young. And I am far too old. When the time comes, the Archangel Dominique De Setorini will give you the strength and courage you need to defeat Orontili Sorei', said Gorlisuun. Yngritor, too shaken for words, simply nodded in acknowledgement and continued to follow Gorlisuun down the ancient stairs, which grew mossier and degraded in condition every hundred yards or so. Little did Yngritor and Gorlisuun know, however, Ruflaus was already in Froschimicthilalu and was about to conspire with Illitori Sorei. 'Ah, dear sister, I have returned, and I have a proposal', said Orontili Sorei, his thunderous bass voice echoing, catching her by suprise. 'Huh? Beat it kid, said Illitori, not recognizing her brother. Furious with his sister, Orontili, freezing Ruflaus in place, took on his true form, his massive raven like wings stretched to their extremities, his skin growing tough and leathery. Quickly reaching out into her consciousness, he showed her violent memories from an age long since passed. He showed her when she slaughtered and raped a village of 100 children and made the children eat stew made from their parents. When she slowly chopped people up alive and rolled them in salt, and many other atrocities. Screaming and crying in agony, Illitori tried to free herself from his grasp, only to have him implode her head. Sending her hot, wet, sticky blood flying everywhere as her eyeballs sped through the air like an arrow. Grimacing in disapproval of his sister stupidity, Oronotili once again possessed Ruflaus and set about brainwashing the guards, before deciding to pay a 'visit' to the queen. Meanwhile, Yngritor and Gorlisuun, after descending down the stairs for nearly half a day finally reached the gates of Kulundvid. Yngritor, astonished by the size of Kulundvid, stared in awe and looked at the walls and noticed that at their lowest point, were 80 meters, were 60000 meters long by 40000 meters wide, and had massive iron doors that were 80 meteds high by 14 meters wide. In addition to this, Kulundvid had 50 watchtowers, stone walls that were 8 meters thick with dense bronze plating, and according to Gorlisuun had around 80 codes, locks, bolts and levers. 'Wuundicor, open the gate, I have someone the king needs to see', said Gorlisuun, his voice stressing urgency. Looking down at Gorlisuun, then at Yngritor, Wuundicor replied, 'you feeble old man, don't you remember what happened last time a human was allowed down here. We nearly lost everything, and I WILL NOT LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN'. 'Let us in, or else I'll break down these walls and skin you alive! Afterall, I could use a new rug', said Gorlisuun, his usually yellow eyes glowing a fierce bright red. Wuundicor, being a fat clumsy and cowardly old orc, nearly fell out of the tower, which rose 120 meters above the ground, immediately set about unlocking the gate. EEEEERRRRRRRR! Groaned the massive gates as they were opened. 'Gorlisuun, how long ago were these gates opened? It seems to have been hundreds of years', said Yngritor. 'It has actually been over 7000 years since these front gates have been opened', replied Gorlisuun. 'Ok. Thanks. Anyway we should probably be on our way to see your king', said Yngritor. 'Well aren't you an observant one', said Gorlisuun sarcastically. Ceasing to speak anymore, Yngritor merely continued to walk, and as he did, the Orcs that were wandering the streets stared at him with perplexed eyes. 'These Orcs eye you funny for they have not seen a human in ages long since past, much less a child at that', said Gorlisuun. Yngritor, nodding in agreement with the Orc, heeded no attention to the Orcs as he walked. As they walked, an Orc came up to them. 'Gorlisuun! What are you doing? You can't bring a human down here and you know it', said the stranger, whose name was Bghimäthweq Gyerfaeuuh. 'Step aside Bghimäthweq, I have an urgent mission, and I won't let you stop me', said Gorlisuun. 'Regardless, you shouldn't have brought him down here. He may be a spy', said Bghimäthweq. 'He isn't a spy. If he was I would have sensed it. Or have you forgotten that none but a fathom of people have the intellect and wisdom that I have? Either way this conversation is over', said Gorlisuun as he walked away. Biting his thumb at Gorlisuun, Bghimäthweq stomped away angrily. As they walked, Yngritor noticed that Kulundvid was stuffed with many buildings ranging from small apothecary shops to massive ornate emissary meeting halls. Many of the buildings used birch wood and cobblestone for the house with high roofs supported by stylized granite pillars. Though the highlight of Kulundvid was the palace that lied on the giant hill, Emporiumitus Celesti Consequencia. This palace was one of the most massive structures that the Orcs of Gorvexium have ever created, as it is 4 leagues wide by 6 leagues long. The reason for the palace being so massive is because in case of invasion, it will be difficult to capture. 'How far is the palace? It looks to be miles ahead', said Yngritor. 'There is a hidden passage that can be taken. It will take us to the gates of the palace. Though it is not easy to access', said Gorlisuun. 'Understood. So.........where is this hidden passage? Will it allow for easier access? It must be close to nightfall by now', said Yngritor. 'If I told you where it was, it wouldn't be a secret now would it? Also it will make this visit easier. Or I could carry you and run there', said Gorlisuun. 'If you honestly want to be kind enough to carry me then it may be best', said Yngritor. 'Well then. Allow me to carry you your highness', Gorlisuun. Leaning down, Gorlisuun picked up Yngritor and put him on his shoulder. 'You may want to hold on, for before I was a mage, I used to chase dragons. Oh how fast they flew', said Gorlisuun. 'Yes sir', said Gorlisuun Preparing to run, Gorlisuun got into position. Running towards the palace, Yngritor had difficulty holding on. After 10 minutes, they arrived at the palace stairs. 'Up these stairs lies the palace. Behave yourself, and do not, I repeat, do not, under any circumstances question the king's verdict, or else you will be executed in an extremely grotesque manner', said Gorlisuun. Leading Yngritor up the Stairs of Retribution, they came to massive diamond adorned copper doors. The palace had a large cobblestone base, marble walls and stained glass widows. In addition to this, there were carved birch pillars, which were engraved with dragons and chimera and griffons and all manner of exotic beasts. As Gorlisuun prepared to open the doors, Yngritor broke into a sweat and felt his stomach lurch. Opening the doors, they stepped on the burgundy rugs that went from the door to the massive gold throne. As they walked up to the king, Wuunthard spoke in resonating deep booming voice. 'You shall be the apprentice of Gorlisuun for 9 years, for your sake child, I hope your breaking of the law was worth it. And doth thou know of the Blood Law of which had been broken? It is a simple law that every kingdom has, particularly of the Orcs kingdoms', said Wuunthard. 'Nemo Me Impune Lacessit', said Yngritor, calmly, barely concealing his trepidation. 'Hmm, smart lad, now follow Gorlisuun and begin your training, for we only have so much time before he finds us', said Wuunthard, stroking his long red beard, his deep blue eyes showing fear, a feeling he hadn't felt for nearly 50 years. Gorlisuun, sensing his friend's fear, gave him a reassuring smile, and with this set off to lead Yngritor back to the cave entrance to begin their training.

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