Chapter 2

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Lucas was sitting in the chair by Tara listening to her explain how everything went down, as she was talking about it Lucas saw her start to tear up " Come here, love." Lucas climbed into the bed carefully and pulled Tara into him, that's when she started to sob. Lucas felt his heart break as she listened to her cry into his chest, Lucas pulled her into him more and held her as tight as he could. They stayed like that for over an hour before Lucas heard Tara's snores, he laughed lightly before laying her down on the bed in a more comfortable position. He got out of the bed and out of the room towards the break room. He went towards the vending machine and got himself a can of coke and a thing of water for Tara, knowing she would be dehydrated after all the crying she had been doing.  He went back towards the room and closed the door, he put the bottle of water on Tara's nightstand she had in the room before he opened his can. Oh how he wanted a beer right now, but he did promise himself not to drink in fount of Tara. He chugged his can of coke down before throwing the can away, he grabbed the pillow he had brought with him and fell asleep in the chair.

* Time Skip*

When Tara woke up the first thing she notices was the lack of a body she was laying on, She could have thought she was laying on a chest but maybe she was just dreaming. She looked towards her left and found Lucas sound asleep in the chair, she smiled at him before picking up the phone and noticed all the missed calls and texts she had for her friends. She texted Wes back letting him know she was awake and that everyone could come see her. She then texted Chad and Mindy in the group chat they had together and let them know that Lucas was asleep in the chair next to her before sending a photo as well. As time went by she started to think they weren't showing up be she was proven wrong when Wes opened the door and walked in with Mindy, Chad, and Amber. They all smiled at her before walking more into the room, the twins looked towards their older brother and found him sound asleep, Mindy took a photo of it before Chad walked over and slapped Lucas across the head. Lucas shot up looking around before he laid eyes on everyone in the room, Mindy was laughing as she was filming, Chad had a big old smile on his face, Wes just shocked his head and Amber smiled slightly before turning towards Tara. " How are you feeling?" before Tara could answer the door opened again, Tara and Lucas saw everyone stand up straight as the people walked in. Lucas looked towards Tara and saw her eyes had gone wide, everyone was silent waiting for Lucas to turn around.

When he did he made eye contact with his ex...Sam, felt his body go numb. Sam's eyes were wide as well, she wasn't expecting her ex to be in the room but there he was...looking as good as ever, oh how she missed him. She looked back towards Tara before walking towards her and kneeling by her bed " How are you feeling?" She asked the same question Amber had just asked not that long ago. Lucas hadn't moved his eyes off the door where Sam used to stand " You came?" Tara softly said, Lucas turned towards the Carpenter girls and watched them reunite with each other with a soft smile before dropping his head and looking towards his feet. He wishes he could go hug and kiss Sam but he knows it's wrong.

Sam's eyes soften at Tara's words " Of course I came" The two smiled at each other before Sam looked towards the guy standing by the door, she quickly looked towards Lucas before sighing " This is my boyfriend...Richie" Lucas felt his heart drop I mean of course he knew about the boyfriend but his name was Richie... Oh shit...if his last name is who Lucas thinks it is, he is about to lose his cool. Lucas steps up before anyone could move " Kirsch...Richie Kirsch right?" Everyone turned towards him while Lucas kept his eyes on Richie, Richie stared at Lucas for a moment before talking " do you know my last name" Lucas laughed bitterly before talking " You uh, you were the one that broke my leg at one of our football tackled me and broke my leg in also called me a monkey and used the n-word towards a lot of my black friends..." Everyone stared in shock, Richie was stumbling over his words " I-I- I don't remember that w-who are you again?" Lucas laughed lightly before saying his name " Lucas...Lucas Meeks-Martin" With that Lucas bumped his shoulder into Richies before leaving the room. Everyone else stood shocked by what just learned, Sam quickly turned towards Richie " You did that! Why the fuck would you do that!?" Richie couldn't look her in the eye " It was just how I was grown, my father was like that so that's all I really knew but please believe me Sam I'm not like that again" Sam shocked her head before quickly hugging everyone but Amber and chased after Lucas.

Sam soon enough found Lucas in the breakroom drinking a coke, She smiles slightly knowing that he still loves his childhood drink. She moved into the room and stood in the middle of it " Lucas...I-i didn't know he did all of that to you, I mean yeah I knew about the broken leg...shit, I was in the room with you the whole till you were let go. But I didn't know about the other things if I did I would have never gotten with him." Lucas slightly turned towards Sam before patting the spot next to him on the sofa he was sitting on, Sam walked towards it and sat down. " I don't blame you for not knowing, he probably didn't even tell you his last name..." Sam chuckled knowing he was right. The two made eye contact before Sam quickly looked away, Lucas smirked knowing he still had that effect on her after all these years. 

Sam looked back towards him scanning him over " You cut your hair...the last time I saw you, you had dreads. I'm not saying you don't look good without them because you still do, I just liked that hair better..." Lucas sent her a smile before speaking " I don't know...maybe ill bring them back when I have enough hair on my head for it" The two laughed before looking each other in the eye again, Sam started to lean in and Lucas did the same but before the could connect someone opened the door. The two jumped away from each other before looking towards the door and seeing Chad, he smiled at the two before walking towards Lucas " Can I have like 40 bucks for me and Mindy to get drinks at the bar?" Lucas lifted an eyebrow at him " What are you guys going to be drinking?" Chad didn't make eye contact with Lucas " O-oh you know soda...water" Lucas had a smirk on his face before humming lightly " You don't think I believe that right?" Chad closed his eyes and let out a sigh " Can I have 40 bucks so I and Mindy can drink whiskey and bourbon or beer at the bar"  Lucas still had a smirk on his face, Sam had to cover her smile from the interaction with the two " Yes you can sir, even though you are under the age limit but ill let it slide this one time" Chad cheered as Lucas pulled out his wallet " Whatever you guys don't use I want it back, got it?" Chad nodded his head before doing his handshake with his brother.

water" Lucas had a smirk on his face before humming lightly " You don't think I believe that right?" Chad closed his eyes and let out a sigh " Can I have 40 bucks so I and Mindy can drink whiskey and bourbon or beer at the bar"  Lucas still had a ...

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Chad left the room with the money, leaving with his friends. Lucas turned towards Sam " We should probably head back to Tara's room, I don't want to leave her alone." Sam looked Lucas in the eye "I'll go, you have done enough for her. Go home, take a shower, shave, do everything you need to do, and get some rest....thanks for looking off Tara for me" Lucas nodded his head before laying a kiss on Sam's forehead and leaving the room, Sam watched him leave " Shit..." She sighed, her feelings that she pushed down for Lucas were starting to come back and it scared her...she was scared of the feeling itself...she was more afraid that Lucas wouldn't want her back. If only she knew how far from the truth that was.

Words- 1513

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