The next day

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your pov:

It was the next day and I had woken up I didn't know what time it was but Gustav was still asleep I looked over at him peacefully asleep he was so cute I couldn't help but smile at him but then I heard the door handle jiggle I looked over and it was Georg "hey you guys okay I'm sorry tom left you guys in here" he sighs "yeah were fine thanks for asking!" we smile at each other, and he helps me up, Gustav then woke up "ugh I'm going To beat tom's ass" me and Georg start to laugh we knew Gustav wouldn't really do that. I started to say my goodbyes to everyone "it was so nice meeting you y/n!!" bill said he then gave me a hug that put a huge smile on my face "bye y/n I hope to definitely see you again" tom says and then looks over at Gustav and holds a thumbs up at him I giggled a bit "it was nice meeting you y/n" Georg smiles at me and I smile back then Gustav walked me back to my car he was such a gentleman. "well besides getting teased so much I had a lot of fun last night you're a cool person y/n" he smiles at me with the sweetest smile ever, we looked into each other's eyes his eyes were so pretty he then opened the car door for me I got in and he closed the door he leaned against the car door "well y/n I would love to see you again were going to be in this town for four more days maybe you and I could get dinner soon?" he smiled waiting for my answer my cheeks started heating up and I quickly said yes, we then say our goodbyes and I drive away thinking about what he had just asked me.

I got home and ran upstairs to my bedroom "OMG IM GONNA GO ON A DATE WITH GUSTAV" I shouted while jumping up and down I was so excited. My mom barged through the door "A DATE? WITH WHO?!" "mooom" "what? im your mother i need to know who this guy is" "he's the drummer of tokio hotel mom." "oh the cutie?? I'm so happy for you sweetheart, is he nice to you though?" "yes mom hes the sweetest" "ok good ill go now.." she walked out my room closing the door I laughed at my mom's behavior i love her though. i changed into some comfy clothes i sat in my bed thinking about him. I couldn't stop thinking about his smile and how nice he was to me it felt like a dream but i knew it wasn't . all day i sat there thinking about that night and before i knew it it was already 7:00pm i was about to put on something to watch on my tv but then our doorbell rang i got up went downstairs i opened the door and it was GUSTAV?! "Gustav?! what are you doing here and how do u know where i live?" "you left your purse and it had your address written on it on the inside, sorry if i spooked you" "no no i was just confused thank you so much though" i smiled at him and he handed me the bag "sorry how rude of me would you like to come in?" "sure thanks" he walked into my house and started to look around "wow you have such a beautiful house" "thank you my mom made that possible though" my mom came into the room we were in "yes, yes I did, hello you must be Gustav y/n talks about you all the time" "mooom" "oh she does?" he looked over at me with a smile I already knew i was red as fuck but he was so cute.

My mom talked Gustavs head off for about an hour i felt bad but my mom was the talkative type, after all the talking i walked Gustav to the door "your mom really does like to talk huh?" he smiles "yeah I'm sorry she talked your head off" "i don't mind she's a really nice lady i hope to see her again" he smiles at me. "well i have to go bye beautiful." he starts walking off but i stop him "Gustav wait!" i walked up to him and kissed him on his cheek he instantly turned red and smiled. he walked away and drove away in his car i waved goodbye to him and went back inside, i went to my room and laid on my stomach and stuffed my face into my pillow while kicking my feet in enjoyment. That night i slept really good.

(sorry if this one was kind of short the next one will be longer!!)

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