The date

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your pov:

It was the next day and I had woken up in the best mood ever because in just a couple hours I would be going on a date with Gustav I was so excited. I laid in my bed just thinking about him and how handsome and kind he was I couldn't stop thinking about him I eventually got up though and got ready for the date, He texted saying not to wear anything to fancy and wear something comfortable so I did. about an hour passed and he would be here in 30 minutes to pick me up I couldn't wait to see what we were going to be doing! I heard my doorbell ring and I instantly knew it was him so i went to open it he had sweet smile on his face "hey y/n you look beautiful" "thank you!" I smiled "you ready to go have some fun?" "hell yeah!" we both walked to his car he held the door for me and then got in as well. I still didn't know where we were going though.

We pulled up to this huge fair and I was so excited I looked at him with a huge smile and he smiled back. Once we parked we paid for armbands well he did, we then walked around looking for what ride to go on first. The first ride we picked was the swings I loved the swings they were so fun and the view was beautiful 'that was so fun i love the swings!!" he laughed a bit "well now its time to ride the bigger rides" he said while smirking a bit "bet!" I took his hand and waited in line for this huge roller-coaster "this is going to be so fun!" "I know right??!" I said while giving him a big smile. before we knew it it was time to get on the ride we were even so lucky we got the front row "is this a bad time to say I'm a bit nervous??" I say nervously looking at Gustav without saying anything he holds my hand and looks forward, my heart was racing like crazy his hand was so soft I felt comfortable with him holding my hand it made me feel safe.

We rode a lot of rides it was so much fun but we needed a food break so we went to one of the food trucks and got some food. we then went to one of the tables they had and sat down the food was so good i love fair food "so are you having fun so far?" "yeah i am but i thought you said you were taking me to dinner not that i don't love this or anything im just confused" "well i said that to throw you off a bit but i mean were having dinner right now aren't we?" he smiles at me and i felt my cheeks heating up oh what this boy does to me. After we ate we went to go play some games the first one we played was dart throwing i seen this stuffy i really wanted so i tried my hardest but i missed one so then Gustav gave it a try and he immediately won "she'll take that plush" he said i smiled when he said that i was so happy the happiest I've ever been with a boy "here you go beautiful" Gustav handed me the stuffed animal i loved when he called me beautiful.

After playing a couple more games we decided to leave the fair, he took me home and walked me up to my door "i had so much fun with you today Gustav you make me really happy it sucks you have to leave my town soon though im going to miss you." i said with a kind of sad face "i had a lot of fun with you to y/n you're a very kind and beautiful person and I'm glad i met you" he completely ignored the fact he had to leave my town soon but maybe he didn't want to think about it. We looked into each others eyes and slowly leaned in before i knew it we were kissing after he gave me a kiss he smiled and said goodbye i was still in shock as i walked up to my room my whole face was red and i had a huge smile on my face i couldn't believe that just happened after my moment of shock i got ready for bed and laid in my bed i went to sleep with him still on my mind.

(thank you so much for reading I hope you guys are liking it so far!!<33)

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