Edge of Disaster part 2

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(Astrid, Sif and Tuffnut are at the Edge. Ruffnut has been kidnapped by the dragon hunters. The rest of the dragon riders are on a mission.)

Astrid: Just in case.

Tuffnut: Come on Astrid, my arms are starting to cramp.

Astrid: Wait for it, now!

Dragon Hunter: In coming!

Tuffnut: Yes! Who kicks dragon hunter butt? Tuffnut kicks dragon hunter butt! Who kicks-

Astrid: Let's not start kissing our own butts yet

Tuffnut: I didn't even know that was possible

Sifera: I don't want to know if it's possible

Astrid: This thing is far from over. Go!

Tuffnut: Whoa! Whoa. Monstrous Nightmare gel plus open flame equals... Fun for all! Well, not all Just for me, actually. Hey, Astrid, I was thinking, you know what would be great?

Sifera: if they just leave us alone?

Astrid: If we stuck with what seems to be working really well?

Tuffnut: Uh, no. That wasn't it at all. I was thinking-

Astrid: Save it, Tuff. That's what we're doing.

Tuffnut: Meh.

(Scene changes to Forest Island)

Hiccup: Okay, we all know the plan, correct?

Snotlout: Yes!

Johann: No!

Snotlout: We all know the plan, you told us 25 times. Just so you know, I still object.

Hiccup: Objection still noted. Now Johann remember, your only job is to distract the dragon sentry on the far cliff. Approach it from the rear so that Meatlug doesn't see Fishlegs.

Johann: Master Hiccup, why shouldn't Meatlug see Master Fishlegs?

Hiccup: Because she might... Well, we don't know what she'll do.

Snotlout: Sure we do.

Hiccup: Snotlout!

Snotlout: What? You don't think Johann should know what could happen to him?

Johann: Yes, I do. I think I should know what could happen to me.

Hiccup: Nothing is going to happen to you, Johann. You're going to be fine as long as you stick to the plan.

Fishlegs: You may not know this, but where I come from, I'm known as a friend to all dragons. Whoa. You sure do have a lot of scars, don't you? All of you do, really. Wow, more than you should! That looks like an arrow mark. Okay, okay I get it. Touchy subject. No problem. No, no, no it's okay. I can help. Ah. Quartzite. I thought so. Meatlug chokes on them all the time.

Hiccup: Psst. Hey, Fishlegs. We're here to rescue you. Are you okay?

Fishlegs: Hiccup!

Hiccup: Yes, yes. It's me. Let's go while they're not looking.

Fishlegs: Look at these dragons. They have scars all over them.

Hiccup: Well, this is quite a diverse pack. They probably fight all the time. Now, can we just get out of here?

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