The Day She Left

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Allison's POV
I wake up in the morning next to Demi , snuggled into my neck with her arms wrapped around my waist holding me tightly. I lay here taking in this moment, as her long blonde hair was  all over the place , snoring quietly, face looking so peaceful. I try to turn around to face her just to be able to look at her one last time in bed with me . The moment I move she pulls me closer not wanting to let me go. I smile slightly at her, being so protective over me, knowing that this is something I was going to miss. she groaned as I began to turn over , I chuckled at her as I know she was never a morning person. I push the hair away from her face and tucking it behind her ear , allowing me to see her . I keep my hand on her cheek place slow strokes along her face .  " We have to go soon love." I whispered to her as she was still waking up . She fluttered her eyes and told me to shhhhh and I just laughed softly at her. " Come on love we can get coffee together before we get the airport." She gave me a sad smile and agreed but still haven't moved. Once we finally got up , and ready , I saw all the suit cases by the door waiting to be placed in the car , and I just sat there watching as Demi added the last bag to the pile.  She saw me watching and walked towards me , "Come here baby" as she pulled me into her chest , wrapping her arms around me holding me as if I was gonna break.  and in that moment it felt like I was . 
Once we arrived at the airport, I watched the love of my life hug me for one last time . Her long blonde hair , the bright blue eyes , the way her lips curved when she looked at me . That was my Demi, the girl I knew I would love forever. She decided to follow her dreams in wrestling and move to the United States to have a better advancement on her career. I knew she would make it by how amazing, determined and brutal she was in the ring. She was amazing at everything. I decided I wanted to pursue a different career and go to school for Sports Medicine."Are you sure you can't come with me" she asked me placing her hands on my cheeks , softly moving her thumb over my cheeks. I leaned into her embrace , savoring this moment bc I know there won't be another one . " Baby, I can't , I have college starting soon." I returned to look at her , tears spilling out of my eyes , watching her look at me with so much love , knowing I'll never meet anyone the way she loved me. She looks at me wiping the tears going down my face .Her eyes dark blue , and watery up on their own . I knew she was holding back for me . Not letting me see that she was too heartbroken. " I don't know what i'm going to do with out you, we've been together for so long i can't imagine my life with out you ." she whispers as I can tell she's about to cry at this point. I wrap myself around her , her hand's instantly moving to my waist pulling me closer than ever before . Her chin resting on top of my head. She was 5'10 and myself was 5'5 and I loved that I always had to look up at her or when we hugged she would place her chin on my head . It was the littlest of things that I'm going to miss with her . I've gone to all of her wrestling shows , went to the gym , watched how excited she'd be watching WWE when she had the chance . She became my world and all I know now that it's crashing . But I couldn't be anymore happier for her, to live out this dream she has, even if that means I have to let her go. We stood there in silence, holding each other for the last time , knowing her plane was about to be called her shortly. " baby you have to get going or you'll miss your plane." I mumbled into her chest , smelling the cologne she was wearing , tearing soaking her shirt .  She tightened her grip around me more , kissing the top of my head . But I feel my hair getting wet from something. I begin to pull back slightly, " No please 10 more seconds, i need to hold you one more time before I go." She pleaded to me gripping my waist. I look up and I saw that she was crying her self , then when I broke, I grabbed her face pulling it to myself, kissing her like I haven't kissed her in years . She immediately kissed me back, with the same amount of love I shared . I held her face and she whispered " i love you" I broke the kiss placing my forehead on her . " I love you too Demi." I reached around my neck to grab my necklace that I always wore. It was a heart shaped locket with a picture of her and me inside of it . She watched me as I unclasp it from my neck. " baby no, that's yours , you can't take it off ." She placed her hand lightly over my throat to stop me from taking it off . This necklace had a lot of meaning to me as it was given to me by my mother who passed away a few months ago. I looked at Demi while I took her hand and put the locket in her hand and closed it . " Now you'll always have a piece of me and my heart where ever this career takes you." My heart was breaking, I was loosing the second most important person in my life and I have to be the one to let her go. Demi looked at the locket and smiled when she opened the heart and saw the first picture we took and the last one we took, 4 years difference in the pictures . "Baby are you sure you want to give me this, i know your mom gave it to you and i don't want you to regret giving it to me ." Demi said as she looked at me with worry laced in her face . Making sure I was doing the right thing. God I loved this women so much. I kissed her one more time , savoring how perfect everything was between us , how we fit together like a puzzle piece . She was supposed to be it for me , but I won't hold her back on her dreams , it's not fair. She worked so hard for this and it's only right I let her go and do it . " You have to go now, or you'll miss your flight ." I choked out , watching her eye go sad . She grabbed my hand and kissed it , " I'll come back for you one day, I promise ." She said as she wrapped her arms around me one more time . "You go live your life Dems, and I'll be right here. cheering and watching you from the distance." I whispered before she pulled away. I watched her walk away and inside the airport , going to build a life while I let mine crumble before me . I wait there for a few more minutes before I decided it was time to leave and go back home . Hoping she'd come back with me , but knowing the harsh truth that she wouldn't. I made it to my car and I see the picture of us in my dash, I smiled as I remembered that night, we were watching the stars late one night and we were talking about the future and what we wanted to do. I turned to face her and watched as her eyes lit up about a wrestling career one day and how she is going to be a star and dominate the women's division and be day. I smiled at her , she looked so happy , the moon lit her face as she turned towards me , questioning my look I had in my face . " Allison you okay?" she placed her hand in my cheek, and that's when I blurted out , " I love you" to her. The rest was history between us . I knew as time would go on she would move on with someone new and she would be busy and traveling a lot with her wrestling career. Time would get the best of us, I just hope one day I get to see her again .

I returned back home and when right into my room , no one was home , i lived alone . i closed the door behind me , as i started to release everything that i was feeling . i felt the heartbreak , the tears flowing down my face as i leaned against the door sliding down it , hunching my knees . i knew what heartbreak felt like but this was different. when she left my whole heart went with her as well. I felt my phone ring, meaning i had a text waiting for me . i grabbed it from my back pocket and it was from Demi. " you carry my heart, i hope to make you proud of me. i love you ." i screamed , in pain , crying like i've never cried before. wishing i was able to go with her . to be next to here , to feel safe from the mess i am left with . to feel at peace that i once was with her . after a few hours of just sitting there staring at the wall, i decided that i should probably eat something and get ready for bed . i walk to the bathroom and look at my reflection, staring at my long black hair perfectly curled at the ends , with a hint of red showing through. My green eyes extremely bright and puffy from all of the crying i had done today. How my tan skin perfectly matches the color top i wore today , a vibrant light pink top and light washed shorts and white vans . i sighed , pulling my hair in a high pony tail , doing my nightly routine, getting ready for bed . i make my way over to my bed , allowing it to swallow me as i haven't slept alone in nearly months . as Demi practically moved in with me a few months ago. i roll over to her side and rest my hand over her pillow . that's when i felt something underneath the pillow , lifting it i saw an envelope with my name on it . i knew it was from Demi. i picked it up and opened it to find a picture of us , one that i've never seen before. i was asleep on her and she had her arm wrapped around my shoulders . it's was heart warming to see . I then see that there was a note . in her hand writing " i will always love you". i smiled , looking down and running my fingers over the writing .Did i make a mistake by not following her , and leaving my dreams a aside. surely Demi understands why i made the choice i did and why i told her to follow her dreams. i laid in bed staring at the ceiling, waiting for something to happen. hoping for the heartbreak to end .

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