Stay with me

720 31 1

Allison POV
"Baby." Was the only thing that I could say as I crawled my way over to Rhea as she screamed in pain . I quickly wiped my tears before I placed my hands on to her , trying to stop the bleeding on her abdomen. The guys eventually got Dominik down and Finn already called the police before they entered. "Baby, you gotta stay with me . Don't close those eyes, okay Look at me baby. You cant leave me yet." I tried my best to stop the bleeding but it was steeping through my hands and in the floor . I could see that Rhea was fighting but it was a hard fight for her and the amount of blood she's loosing. "Someone get me a fucking towel." I screamed as the police arrived and Finn quickly grabbed the towels as he knelt down next to us. I moved my hands and placed the towel there instead,  as Finn helped hold pressure which caused Rhea to moan in pain. "I know baby , I know it hurts but we have to apply pressure here." I looked over at Finn who nodded his head to me , I let go as he kept the pressure and crawled up to her as she looked at me with very weak eyes. "baby.. kiss" She was speaking with a hoarse tone as she tried to speak. "What baby, what do you need ." She winced as Finn pressed more. I watched as she grabbed onto me and tried to pull me closer to her. I realize what she wanted as I grabbed her face and connected my lips to hers as I kissed her softly but desperately. "I love you. But you can't leave me yet my love, we still have so much to accomplish together." I wiped my face before I pushed back her black hair seeing the life drain out of her as she closes her eyes . "Rhea, baby stay with me . RHEA." The paramedics finally arrived as they quickly took over as Finn stepped back let them do their jobs. "Ma'am we need you to step back and let us help her." I shook my head as I held her head in my lap, placing my forehead against hers. "Not like this Rhea, you can't leave me . I need you here with me." They tried to pull me off her but I fought against them until two strong arms pulled me off her and held me close to them. "Let go of me, Let go." I fought against them as I watched them place her on the gurney and start to wheel her out. " No no no . let me go. I need to go with her." They held me tighter as I heard a southern voice behind me. "Shhh Allison, you gotta let her go with them okay. I'll take you to the hospital but you gotta let them save her okay." It was Raquel as she rocked me back and forth in her arms as I sobbed. "Ally." I heard another voice come into the room as I looked over to find Liv kneeling down in front of me as she wrapped her arms around me holding me tightly. "This wasn't supposed to happen, it wasn't supposed to be her. It should of been me. It should of been me." I let my walls break as they hugged me tightly against them letting me breakdown in their arms. My whole body was shaking and my heart was broken as I watched them roll Rhea out of the room looking lifeless. Liv pulled back as she placed my face in her hands wiping away the tears rolling down my face as she gave me a sad smile. She stood up as she held her hands out for me to take , pulling me up gently. I looked around the room as it was a disaster, blood everywhere, and towel's drenched in blood. "Hey don't look at that, come on let's go to our room so we can wash off the blood and get you changed okay. Is this bag yours or Rheas?" I couldn't speak as I was just in shock of everything that happened, how the love of my life could be dead and I couldn't fix everything.  "Allison." Raquel stood in front of me blocking me from looking any further than her. Her eyes were red and puffy as she looked like she was crying herself. "Come on let's get out of her okay." She held my hand as she told Liv to just grab both of the bags as she walked me out of the room and to her room. As we were about to walk in we heard something yelling at us. "Excuse me , but she can't leave . She is involved with the investigation and needs to be questioned before she goes anywhere." A police officer walked up to us as he grabbed my wrist roughly like I was a criminal. I pulled against him which resulted in him getting more aggressive with me. "Get your hand off me." I spoke well more like croaked as my voice was weak. " You need to come with me." He pulled me towards the room as Raquel tried to stand in between us and try to get us to stop. "kb Im not going anywhere except the hospital. You need to get your fucking story straight and be brought up to speed here . My wife was shot and could be bleeding out on the table or possibly be dead, and instead of being at the hospital waiting for her . Im being harassed by an officer who thinks Im a criminal. So get your hands off of me."  He let go of my wrist when another office came up to him and told him to back off. He shot me a dirty look before he walked away, the other officer apologized for his actions.

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