Marry Me

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Rheas POV
I sat there in front of her as I held out the small red box infront of her. I wanted to wait until I won the title to propose but it just felt like right now was the moment. She just stared at me with watery eyes as she looked at the box and back at me. "You asked me what do I want you call me , I don't want you call me Rhea or Demi or anything. I want you to call me your wife, Your forever and your love. Baby, when I left you to move to the states all that time ago, I was lost. I didn't know what I wanted in life anymore , I was angry, i was mad , I was just miserable. All I wanted to do was come back to Australia and be with you , but I knew that you'd be mad if I gave up on my dreams after you inspired me to follow them. I almost lost you this past month and it scared me , I was so scared that I wouldn't spend another day with you. It made me realize that with you make me  feel complete, that life just makes sense again. You are my soul mate and I don't want to go another day without you beside me. I was going to wait till wrestle mania after my match but right now felt perfect. Allison, Will you marry me?" I opened the box to reveal a teardrop diamond ring. She looked at the ring and then back at me. she had tears running her face. She didn't say anything, but she grabbed my face pulling in for a deep and gentle kiss. "Yes" was all she said in between kissing me. I pulled away looking at her , "Yes?"  I asked her as I grabbed the ring out of the box to place on her finger. " Yes baby, yes I want to marry you." She watched me place the ring on her finger as I wiped the tears from her eyes. " Its so beautiful Demi. How did you get this?" She was admiring the ring as I placed my hand on her knee. " I went to a jeweler one day while you were at the doctors and I had him customize it for me , I picked it up the other day." I had this plans for weeks now and I kept it all hidden from her. Wrestle mania is this weekend and I asked the gentleman to place a rush on it for me so it would be ready. I grabbed her hand looking at the ring I just placed on it . It fits perfectly on her and looks beautiful. I kissed her one more time before I went to grab a t shirt to wear to bed. I crawled back in bed , laying next her as she placed her head on my chest , resting her hand over my stomach. I kissed her head holding her tightly against me, " I love you Allison." I whispered to her as I ran my fingers up and down her arm. "I love you more Demi." she whispered back as we both were falling asleep.

I woke up this morning with Allison snuggled into chest snoring softly, her arm wrapped around my side holding my shirt in her hand. I reached over to grab my phone to check the time , it was 11:30 in the morning. Holy shit we really slept in today. I placed my phone down , and ran my hand through Ally's hair trying to wake her up so we can get ready to leave this weekend. She stirred slightly and smiled as I kept playing with her hair , moving her hand on top of my chest . Showing off the ring on her finger , I smiled as I remembered she said Yes to me last night. " Good morning my love.". I kissed her head, trying to get her awake. She hummed in response to me kissing her head . "Come on love , we gotta get up, it's already 11:30 in the morning and I can hear Barry whining at the door." She rolled off of me and huffed as I left the bed to open the door, for only Barry to run into the room and start barking at me. " Wanna take them on a walk with me ?" I looked over at Ally who was watching me from the bed . She nodded in response, moving from the bed. I watched her as she was wearing only a shirt showing off her ass alittle bit. I smirked at her, checking her out as she walked to the closest. " Don't even think about it Ripley, You're chance of having morning sex went out the window when you let Barry in the room." she yelled from the closet probably trying to find an outfit to go out in. " Hey it's not my fault that he wanted to see his girlfriend this morning since he didn't have you cuddling him last night." I responded back , looking at Barry who sat by the closet door waving his tail waiting for Ally to walk out. She walked out in a pair of black spandex shorts and a bright red tank top. She reached down and kissed Barry on his nose giving him so attention. She walked over me resting her hand on my hip. " Good morning Mrs.Bennett." She said placing a quick kiss on my lips before pushing past me to walk downstairs. "Well looks like it's just you and me Barry . Huh." I said to Barry as I walked towards the closet to change into different clothes. Before I could say anything else to him, I heard Allison yell for him which he instantly responded to running like a mad man out of the room. "Man she stole my dog." I say out loud as I shook my head. I walked downstairs after changing to see that Allison has put there harnesses on and had their leashes ready. I opened the door for them and shut it quickly behind me . I had Luna in front of me , while Allison ran in front of me with Barry next to her watching her every move. I took a video of them running with each other and posted it to my story. "Two Peas in a Pod over there.❤️" Allison walked back towards me reaching her out for me to grab. This was perfect , this moment we spent together was just beautiful. After a 3 mile walk , we returned back to the house and Allison went to make us lunch. I walk into the Kitchen to see her making us both salads with grilled chicken on top of them. "Thank you baby, this looks great." Taking the bowl from her, smiling at her. We ate in peace as the dogs played in the background together. "So when did you want to announce that youre engaged to the Eradicator" I asked her with playfulness in my voice raising my eyebrows towards her. she punched my arm and just laughed . "I was just about to ask you the same thing, You we're the one that asked the question so I wanted to see if you had anything planned or if you wanted to keep it hushed until your match." She grabbed her bowl and mine as well placing them in the sink. "Well I was thinking of announcing it after my match so I can show off you and the title. I don't want to keep this hushed tho, I want to love you proudly." I stayed in my seat at the island as I watched her clean up the kitchen. " What ever you want baby I'm good with, we can keep it under wraps until you're match baby. Does your family know?" I completely forgot that my family are coming in tomorrow to LA. " Uhhh no I haven't told them yet , But I thought since we're flying out there early to see them and everything, that we can tell them separately. I know my mom is excited to see you." I got out of my seat as she walked over to me. " Okay baby we can tell them tomorrow then , and I can't wait to see Anna tomorrow." The rest of the day we really do anything, just lounged around the house and hung out with the dogs. " Did you ever get a dress for the Hall of Fame ceremony, Remember I told you about. You'll be my Date and sitting with Judgement Day." It dawned on me that we also have that ceremony for Rey getting into the hall of Fame. Ally just looked over at me " Yeah I went out one day while you were gone training to buy one ." Man she was sneaky , I never saw it in our closet so she was probably hiding it from me.

The next day ~
We had an extremely early flight to LA this morning because we had to be there in time to pick up my Parents when they land from their flight. Allison sat next to me on the plane, listening to her music as she rested her hand on my thigh. I tried to get a few more hours of sleep but I was starting to feel the overwhelming emotions of Wrestle mania . It's my 4th time performing in front of a crowd on the great stage of them all. It was a lot for me to take in especially since I'm going against charlotte for the championship. I was too deep in thought to realize the plane has landed and people were getting up around me. I grabbed our bags from the overhead bin and allowed Ally out first. As soon as we got off the plane , Fans began to notice me and asked me for pictures and autographs, I gave a few but I had to go find my parents before the landed. Allison kindly told the fans that we really had to go and hope they understood why we needed to leave . Walking towards baggage claim, Allison grabbed my hand giving it a gentle squeeze. As we both waiting for my parents to arrive, I looked over at Ally who was playing with her ring. " What's wrong baby?" she stopped for a moment and looked up at me with sad eyes. " Do I need to take it off at the hall of fame tonight?" she asked me , looking back down at her ring playing with it again. I grabbed her hand to stop her "No baby, you don't have to take it off. I would prefer that you keep it on rather." Looking at her and back at the ring . she just smiled brightly at me and nodded. I don't care if the other wrestlers see the ring and we announce it there with them, but I wanted to wait a few days to announce it on social media, Allowing us to have a few days to enjoy it before new articles and announcements are posted. As I look up , I see my parents walking towards us , smiling and waving at us. Ally let go of my hand and told me to go, I walked over to my mom embracing her in a hug as my dad patted my back. " I cant believe that you guys made it here, it's been so long." My mother just held me tighter. "Im glad we are here too sweetheart, I can't wait to watch you tomorrow." I pulled back and walked back towards Ally who was patiently waiting us. My mom smiled as she saw Ally , pulling her into a huge embrace. " Oh my sweet girl, how it's been far too long since I've last seen you. You look beautiful." I smiled as I watched how my mother treated my Fiancée. I knew that this ment something to Ally as she lost her mom at such a young age. My mom pulled back from Ally to grab her hands to look at her , that's when she noticed the ring on her finger. My moms eyes went wide as she looked at me and then at ally, Holding her hand. My father looked over and was in shock at the ring as well. "Is this what I think it is." My mom asked me as she had tears forming in her eyes. Ally shook her head in response to my mom's question. "Oh my god , congratulations my sweetheart. Oh Demi when did you ask her ?" She studied the ring on Ally's finger more and let my dad give Ally a hug . "I asked her 2 days ago , we waited to tell you since you guys were going to be here soon. I couldn't wait anymore to ask her. It just felt right and it was just us when I asked." My dad gave me hug and told me he was proud of me and that I picked a great women to marry. I smiled at his comment and looked back at Ally who smiled at me. "Well let's go something to eat and go to the hotel. I'm
sure you guys are hungry and tired from flying." I suggested as everyone agreed , finding my rental that was given to me by WWE. We spent the rest of the day with my parents, catching up with them. They asked about how we got back together and what has been going on with the both of us. Ally told them about her hospital stay and how she pulled through and how it happened . My parents were horrified at the story and when they were shown the video of me throwing Dominik , they were just speechless. It was getting close to the ceremony and I knew that we both needed to get ready and my parents were pretty tired from their flight. With that we left the restaurant we were at and went to the hotel. I told my parents that I would see them later that night and to have them call me if they needed anything.

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