Going Home

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Allison's POV
I wake up laying on someone chest , looking up to seeing rhea finally sleeping. I can hear that she is softly snoring, that's how i know she's out for the count. Her arm is resting under my neck but laying straight out instead of resting on my back. That's when I saw that she had her other hand over mine as I gripped her shirt. I nuzzled more into her chest , as she scooted closer to me , even her sleep she was scared to be apart from me. I saw that my phone was on the table next to the bed , Rhea must of found it and brought it to me. It's been a few days since I've been on it so I know that my phone was probably blown up with people texting me and asking if I was okay. I opened my phone to see that everyone has texted me constantly. I guess Rhea must of given them my number at some point because I had messages from Liv and Raquel, Becky , Priest , and even Finn. I opened the message that Priest sent me and it was a long message and then he sent me a picture I guess of me and Rhea. It was right after my surgery I'm guessing, she was laying next to me, her arm around my waist and her head laying on my shoulder. It was heartwarming to see that she truly never left my side. I was so thankful for her and even Priest as he stayed as long as he could to make sure Rhea was okay and myself. I laid my phone down and looked back up at Rhea . She finally looked peaceful as the circles under her eyes were slightly gone and it look like she was eating again. I watched her for a while before the nurse walked in , causing rhea to wake up slightly. "I'm so sorry to wake you guys up, but I need to check your stitches to make sure nothing is infected. How are we feeling this morning?" Wait it's already morning , I didn't even look at the time on my phone , it was 9:30 am. We must of slept through the whole night and they didn't bother us once. Rhea stirred alittle more , Looking down at me and then at the nurse. She just looked confused over everything. " She needs to look at my stitches that's all, nothing is wrong you can go back to sleep." I softly rubbed Rheas arm as she just laid back down, closing her eyes again. She must of been exhausted bc usual she's awake around this time. The nurse walked over to my side and helped me sit up along the edge of the bed. She gently peeled back the gauze, Showing a long line of stitches against my chest . It was slightly swollen and the bruising was very apparent. She placed some type of lotion on it and covered it back up with a fresh pad of gauze. She looked at the ones on my back and did the same thing to them . " They look alittle better but most definitely irritated, which is okay, nothing to be concerned about. Probably just from laying down all the time. The bruising will take time to heal but there's nothing we can do for that unfortunately. Do you want any pain medication right now or are you handling everything okay?" She was sweet and kind , definitely a newer nurse . I shook my head at her telling her that i was fine for the time being. She walked out closing the door behind her. I look behind my shoulder and see a passed out Rhea, but she had her hand reached out towards me slightly touching my back. She wanted to know i was still her and it was probably the only way for her to sleep right now. I placed my hand on her cheek rubbing small but soft circles. Watching as she just melted into my hand. I just let her sleep as ai laid next to her , resting my head in her shoulder as I played on my phone . I was watching tiktoks when she wrapped her arm around my chest gently, as she rubbed her thumb against my skin. I decided to post a picture of us on my instagram story, with the caption, "She never left my side 🥺With in a few minutes it blew up all over the place.  I responded back to everyone letting them know i was okay and that I should make a full recovery. I texted Triple H as well , giving him an update on my condition and told him that I'll be back soon. he told me not to rush my recovery , and that I just had an open chest surgery, I need to take it easy. I thanked him for allowing Rhea to stay with me as well , as he responded with no problem at all, she's a good person, she deserves happiness. I smiled at his response about her , he treated her like she is his own daughter.  As I continued to play on my phone, I felt Rhea stir under me , as I moved alittle bit over so she could move . She gently pulled me back over to her placing a few kisses on my head. "Good morning sleepyhead, how did you sleep?" she just groaned as she kissed my head again. " It was the first night since you've been here i've been able to sleep peacefully." I just grabbed her hand and held it in mine for a moment. " Rhea." She just hummed in response to me. I move over so that i could face her as what I wanted to say was important. "This isn't your fault baby, none of this is your fault. Don't be so hard on yourself about this my love. Look I'm okay now, you protected me in the end. You stayed my my side the whole time , and you never stopped showing up. I'm with you know okay, im not going anywhere. but you can't be beating yourself up over this." I saw a tear roll out of her eye, as she took a deep breath. I knew she was fighting back tears for me. I pulled her close to me, as she cried into my neck releasing everything that's she bottled up. She knew that I was right about everything I said and she was trying her hardest not let it show.  She pulled herself back up and looked at me , I wiped the tears from her cheeks. Pulling her face to mine , kissing her once again.

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