Chapter 6: A half-chance

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Hey! As you can probably tell, my hiatus is over, as so is the weekend. I was completely not able to focus at all on the weekend, so I had to try and write a lot on monday and today. But chapter 6 is done, and I'm back! Enjoy!

Amy's POV:

Even though it happened several days ago, I still can't believe what Shadow did, and what he said.
"At least let me take you out to dinner sometime."
I smile as I remember his words. That day, Shadow had shown a side of himself that I had never seen before, a softer, more tender, and vulnerable side, and I think I like it. Even so, I'm honestly not completely sure how I feel about him, but I had accepted his offer... so that must mean something. However, i might not be completely sure about my own feelings towards Shadow, but I have a pretty good idea of his feelings towards me. When he said those words, there was something in his voice that I had never heard before.

Then, there's a knock on the door. I smile and shake my head. It's Rouge. Ever helpful, she had offered to give me a hand in choosing what to wear for the date, and I had appreciated the gesture. After all, she knows Shadow better than anyone, so she would know his tastes. I can't wait to see what she picks out for me...

Shadow's POV: 15:00

I walk through my front door and out of my house, thinking about what is going to happen tonight. I am immensely looking forward to the date, but there are some things that I need to do before it happens. I walk down the road, heading towards the shopping area of town.

I get quite a few strange looks as i walk down Common Street. I suppose this makes sense, seeing as I have a reputation as an angry, anti-social figure. This would also explain why everyone i walk past gives me a wide berth and watches me warily. If this is how people react when I'm just walking, then they will become incredibly confused when they see what I am about to do next. I reach my destination, and enter a flower shop.

The door makes a ringing noise when I open it, getting the attention of the person at the counter, who turns around. I smile when I see the friendly face of Dawn the Hedgehog.
"I was expecting you about an hour ago, Shadow. I don't know if it will still be fresh." She says, referring to the usual lavender plant that I come here for every week. "Just let me check." She says warmly, before turning and walking through the door behind the counter.

Dawn has been a close friend for the past four and a half years. She is the only person i know of who knows how to grow lavender properly, so that it exudes a perfect scent. She is one of the few people who I have let myself get close to recently. She's an attractive girl as well, not that I would ever tell her that. I met Dawn during one of Doctor Eggman's attacks. She was doing her best to beat back the robots, and I was surprised that an ordinary person like her could be that brave. I assisted her in combat, and we kept in touch after the battle was over. At some point, she even asked me out, but I politely declined, not wanting to risk ruining one of the only good friendships I had.
"Right, so, lucky for you, the lavender is still fresh." She says as she comes back through the door, holding a decently sized potted plant. I reach out and rub one of the leaves between my fingers, before bringing my hand to my nose and inhaling the wonderful fragrance.
"You have outdone yourself this time, Dawn. It's perfect." I say approvingly, and Dawn blushes red at my words.
"Aww, you're too sweet, Shadow. And just for that, I'm going to knock a pound off the cost." She says gratefully.

"Ah, I wouldn't bother. You see, I would also like to have a bouquet of roses." I explain. Dawn raises an eyebrow before turning and walking through the door again, heading to the garden where she grows everything she sells.
I wait for about a minute, until she comes back, holding a beautiful bunch of bright red roses.
"Special occasion?" She asks as she passes them over the counter.
"Something like that." I take the roses and start to reach for my wallet, but Dawn grabs my wrist.
"You know what, I'm going to let you have those for free, as a gift." She says. I stare at her in disbelief.
"Absolutely not. I will pay you for these, and you will take the money." I say defiantly.

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