Chapter 9: Secrets of passion

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Content warning: This chapter contains sexual scenes.

Shadow's POV:

After what seems like an age, we separate. Amy looks deep into my eyes with a new kind of warmth. As I look into her eyes... God, her eyes. Only now do I realise just how beautiful they are. Sparkling, emerald-green orbs filled with affection and care.

"Rose..." I whisper, my mind in a cloud of emotion. I can feel my eyes filling with tears again, but this time, more from happiness and relief rather than sadness. She moves the umbrella in her hand so that it covers both of us.
"Shh..." She says. "You're okay, now. You don't have to be lonely anymore." She says softly, still cupping my cheek with her free hand. Without thinking, I reach over and wrap my arms around her.

"Thank you. Thank you, so much. This means everything to me." I say, not even thinking about my words. To my utter happiness, I feel her hand slip down, and I feel her arms curl around my body. "I love you." I whisper, my eyes closed tightly. Another tear leaks out and runs down my cheek.
"I know you do." Suddenly, Amy pulls away and stares into my eyes. "And I love you too."

At first, I have trouble believing it. But the sincerity in her voice, the utter honesty tells me that she really means it. And we move closer to each other as our lips meet again.

This time, when we separate, Amy reaches down and grasps my hand in hers.

"Come on. Let's go back inside." She says as she begins to lead me back to her house.

While Amy puts the umbrella away and hangs her coat up, I look up at the clock. It is a quarter to eight in the evening.
"You sit down, I just need to go and get something from upstairs." She says, motioning towards the couch. I sit down on the soft cushions, watching her as she walks up the staircase. A few moments later, she comes back down, holding a towel and a blanket in her hands. "Come here." She says as she sits on the couch next to me. I lean my head towards her and allow her to dry my body off with the towel.
"Thank you." I say as she does this. She smiles as she finishes, before picking up the blanket and laying it over me. It doesn't take long before i can feel my body warming up again, in multiple different ways.
"Are you hungry?" Amy asks suddenly. I think for a moment. I do not feel particularly hungry, but I could use some food.
"I could do with something to eat." I admit.
"Well, that's perfect. I was kind of in the middle of cooking when you came down earlier." She says, glancing towards the kitchen.
"Well, do not let me get in the way." I say. She smiles, gets up, and walks into the kitchen.

About fifteen minutes later, Amy comes back into the living room, holding two steaming bowls of something, and two forks. As she lays them down on the table in front of the couch, I see that she has made spaghetti.

"We never got to eat at the restaurant, so I decided to make this." She says, sounding slightly embarrassed. I look at the food, and when I smell the sauce, I can barely keep my mouth from watering.
"It looks absolutely incredible, Rose. Thank you." I say, struggling to contain myself. Only now do I realise just how hungry I am.
"Thanks, Shadow. I tried to make it special." She says, her cheeks turning slightly pink.
"Apparently, you succeeded." I say while still staring at the food.
"You don't have to wait, you can eat." She says, watching me. I don't waste another second. I take a fork, pick up some of the spaghetti, and put it in my mouth.

Almost immediately, my taste buds explode in wonder as the flavour overwhelms my senses. The sauce is warm and the tomato in it is perfect, as is the taste of something that I think is basil. The spaghetti itself is soft but firm, expertly cooked. I swallow the mouthful and turn to face Amy.

"It is incredible, Rose. You are a brilliant cook." I say, unable to keep the bliss out of my voice. She blushes again.
"Thank you so much. I'm glad that you like it." She smiles gratefully as she picks up her own fork and starts to eat.

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