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Sanemi's POV:-

 It has been 3 weeks and me and Obanai have been really good friends even if his rude to everyone I kinda have a small crush on him, but we're just friends.. right? he often came to my house and take care of Genya, Im surprised they get well  on each other, but he has a terrible drinking habit I tried to stop it, but he drinks it anyway and I quiet noticed the thing that Obanai comes to my house but I've never gone to his house! never so I'll just give him surprise! after work he headed home and me too, I saw Genya doing his homework 'Genya Im going to Obanai's house okay?' he looked up at me and asked 'Aniki, do you have a crush on him? please don't lie to me!' 'Yes.. Yes I have I like him' 'Congrats! I'll wait as long at it takes Im happy that I would have a future brother-in-law!' it got me all RED.

I went , and saw Obanai's house I was about to knock it but I saw the door was open I went in the house was really dirty and was a mess, I went into the bedroom Obanai was there, he was cutting himself with a huge knife and bruises all over him with FRESH BLOOD! he then looked at me with horror and his mask was not there, his face.. it was CUT! he ran to the washroom and I assume he locked himself there, 'Obanai?! WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING TO YOURSELF!' I just couldn't resist my anger at him! I saw my friend cutting HIMSELF in front of me! 'OPEN THE DOOR!' dammit  he wasn't opening, I went over to the bed it was covered in blood and bandages and beside the bed there were bottles of wine, as I expected , now I needed to get rid of these wines! after a while, he opened the door 'What are you doing here?' the little guy asked I hugged without answering him 'What the actual hell, were YOU doing to YOURSELF?' 'I deserved this..' he answered 'TELL ME WHY?'

Obanai's POV:- 

Great! the worst day I could imagine has became reality! maybe I should go out of this bathroom and see if Sanemi's gone, I unlocked and Sanemi saw me, without the MASK! now he's gonna ask me! Sanemi hugged me tightly, I couldn't even breath! his now shouting at me.. I mean it won't be a big thing to me as my bloodline is cursed.. but I feel sad, he might now hate me, I don't want to MESS UP again! 'I deserved this..' I answered, I  should tell the truth, I can't be a weakling telling lies! but maybe, I should trust him.. maybe his not bad after all.. 'It's just my past.. it still affects me, I can't grow out of it..'  I said stuttering but in a really cold way. 'If I tell mine would you like to share YOURS?' he said, let's give it a shot I  guess  I mean he is my friend.. 'ANSWER ME, DAMMIT!' 'O-ok I guess' 'Well, I lost my father a long time so my mother had to take care of Genya and me, but when I was 18, she passed away and since then I tried looking for a good job and I got one, and now Im 21' Sanemi said to me and for some reason I felt bad 'Im really sorry.. you had a great loss' 'DON'T FORGET THIS TOPIC! TELL ME NOW YOURS!' Sanemi shouted at me, guess it's time to say it all 'Well, I had a lot of sisters and had drunkard parents who drank all the time, one day my sisters wanted to cut my mouth, because that time I really didn't smile so they cut open my mouth for "FUN" then I got this disgusting scar on my face, for 18 years I was there and turned adult so basically I can have my own will now and left that house for good but I got disgusted by my own bloodline and wanted to get rid of it'  'DON'T EVER DO THAT TO YOURSELF AGAIN! AND NO MORE WINE FOR YOU!' Sanemi said to me in dead serious tone I mean I can't blame him. Sanemi came close to me, which indeed flustered me and kissed me, 'I love you' he said 'I love you too and that means we are a couple right?' 'Yes' he said.

What will happen now to these two lovebirds? stay tuned!

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