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Office colleagues

Flashy guy- I heard that Sanemi and Obanai are a couple!

Flower girl- What really?!


Emo- nice..

Flashy guy- Is that right?! Obanai and Sanemi answer me!!!

Angry guy- Tch, yea

Snake- Yes 

Flashy guy- SO FLAMBOYANT!!!


Emo- I guess congrats...

Flower girl- this two are now a couple?!

Snake- You deserve it

Flower girl- Wait until my day comes!

Snake- You bet!

Angry guy- Yes that's right me and Obanai are a couple!

Sanemi POV:-

Me and Obanai have been a couple for a year now, I just love him, his a good boyfriend and Im proud of him, but I just wish he stopped telling himself ugly and be ashamed that he has cursed bloodline. Oh another day, let's just go.

Kanae POV:-

I HAD ENOUGH OF OBANAI! I'll expose him tomorrow, no today! how am I supposed to do that? right, I got the perfect plan..

No one POV:-

Sanemi and Obanai were talking and going through the usual road they go in everyday, Uzui called Sanemi and Rengoku was there too. Uzui wanted to ask something from Sanemi so he called him, 'Sanemi! can you come here for a second?' Uzui asked 'Yeah, I guess, Obanai wait here I'll come in a minute' Sanemi said while turning his head towards Obanai 'Sure' answered Obanai and off went Sanemi to the other side of the road the road was pretty jammed and then Kanae came towards Obanai. 'Eh? what are you doing here?' asked Obanai but Kanae didn't answer she just smiled and tightly hold  Obanai's wrist due to lack of strength(for Obanai) he couldn't set himself free Uzui saw the whole scene and told Rengoku and Sanemi to watch 'Guys! look over there!' Uzui said the two of them turned and then Kanae took her hands and removed Obanai's bandages in public! everybody saw Obanai's face! the three of them were very shocked, angry and confused at the same time, Sanemi was the most angry,  everybody looked at Obanai in shock and disgust tears fell out of Obanai's eyes and finally Kanae let go of Obanai's  wrist. Obanai ran crying and struggled to cover his face. Sanemi ran towards Obanai and then Kanae came towards Rengoku and Uzui 'What the hell is wrong with you!" Rengoku asked in a very angry tone, no one has seen Rengoku that angry before, as Obanai was one of his good friends, he got angry, 'Kanae I didn't EXPECT THAT FROM YOU!' Uzui also said in a cold voice.

Sanemi soon found Obanai in Obanai's house, in a corner, crying,  he went to Obanai, but Obanai pushed him 'YOU SAW THE WHOLE THING!  STILL YOU DIDN'T CAME TO ME AND HELP ME!' For the first time in life Sanemi has seen Obanai that angry 'YOU KNOW MY LACK OF STRENGTH! STILL YOU DIDN'T EVEN CARE TO HELP ME!' Obanai said, still crying and he said in a cold and angry way. 'I-I ..' Sanemi stuttered he didn't knew what to do.. 'GO AWAY AND NEVER EVER SHOW YOUR FACE AGAIN!' Obanai screamed at Sanemi. Sanemi eventually left.

For weeks Obanai ignored Sanemi and Sanemi grew more angry, he started talking very rudely to everyone, specially Kanae, because she was the one who started all of this.

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