Chapter 20

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I walk out of Larissa's office, after that long and important conversation. I'm glad we got to talk and that she gave me a chance to explain. It's something I really respect.

I close the door behind me, but I don't get that far as I feel something in the way. I look down, only to see a pretty bouquet of flowers. I frown in confusion, are these for Larissa?

I pick it up, observing the bouquet, trying to figure out who it's for. And I notice a note.

Darling Y/N

It says.

What the hell?

I quickly make my way back to my dorm, glad to see that it's empty. There's something off about these flowers. I lay the bouquet on my desk, observing the flowers more closely, realizing they're oleanders. Very pretty flowers, I must say.

I think for a bit, contemplating if I should open the note or not. But as always, my curiousity gets the best of me. I fold it open, beginning to read the mysterious note;

Darling Y/N,

In Rissa's embrace, a dagger concealed,
Her forgiveness, a trap, to be revealed.
Beware the warmth that hides a cold embrace,
For her forgiveness only brings disgrace.

With honesty and love,
Exposer of Rissa's lies

I stare at the note in shock. Exposer of Rissa's lies? What lies? Is this the person who sent Rissa that threat letter?

The door slams open and I quickly put the note away. Yoko walks in with Enid, they're clearly excited about something.

"Hey guys, everything okay?" I ask, half-amused.

"Did you hear?" Yoko asks.

"Hear about what?"

Enid squeals in excitement, almost jumping up and down, the only thing stopping her is Yoko, since their arms are intertwined. "A new student!!!" She reveals.

I gasp. "Really? Do you know their name?"

Well, of course she does. She's Enid, Nevermore's official gossip queen. "Yeah!! Her name is Sophia Hill, she's the same age as us, she's a vampire!" Enid explains.

"Ooh, that's interesting. Have you seen her yet?" I ask.

"No, she'll be here soon." Yoko says.

"Should we go to the quad?" I suggest, and they agree. We soon leave, I hide the note in my desk drawer, deciding I'll get to that later.


"Y/N, guess what Ms Thornhill just told us!" Enid says, even more excited than before.


"That new girl will be in the dorm next to yours and Yoko's!" She tells me.

"That's great!" I say, people are chatting about the future events, like the Rave'n, in the quad. I honestly don't want to hear about that now, it's still Saturday night, and I barely have free time because of decorating and planning for that dance.

I get up, trying to flee the quad without being noticed. And I succeed, now walking through the empty corridors. As I round a corner, I accidentally bump into someone, they're holding a big stack of books, which all fall to the ground.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there," I apologize. I bend down, gathering all the books to a new stack.

"It's okay, I should've paid more attention," The girl says. I look up to her quickly and smile, and she bends down too to help me.

Her Darling | L.W. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt