Chapter 26

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Me, Larissa and Wednesday are sitting in the hospital, waiting for any news about Eugene's condition. My hands are shaking, as I'm still in shock. Larissa notices this, as she takes my hands in hers, trying to calm me down. I show her a sad smile, resting my head on her shoulder.

Wednesday doesn't seem to mind, she's just looking forwards.

As the time passes, she turns to me, "Y/N, a word."

I get up from Larissa's embrace, she looks at me in confusion but I just nod at her, assuring it's okay. We go a little further, rounding a corner and stopping when it's private enough.

"There's something I've to tell you. I'm almost positive that it's connected to everything that's been happening," She starts.


"I-" She stutters a bit, trying to think of the right words. "Have you heard about the Gates family?"

I frown, "I'm not sure, it does sound vaguely familiar. Why?"

"Sheriff Galpin told me that my father was accused of the murder of the Gates' son, Garrett." She blurts out.

I widen my eyes, "What?"

And she begins explaining me the tragic story of the Gates family, leaving me in utter shock. That family went through so much, especially that little girl, Laurel. I feel bad for her.

Our discussion is interrupted by the clacking of heels, "Girls, you can go see Eugene now. The doctor just informed me, that he's fallen into a coma." Larissa tells us with a sad look on her face.

I let out a shaky breath, cluthing onto Larissa's arm. And we go inside, seeing Eugene and his parents.


As we get back from the hospital, it's almost 4am. I'm tired and worried sick. As we arrive to Nevermore, Wednesday gives us a slight nod before leaving us alone in the car. And as soon as she does, I break into tears. Larissa takes me in her arms, holding me tightly, rocking us gently.

"Oh, baby. Let it all out." She whispers while smoothing my hair.

I sob, "Rissa, I'm scared,"

She holds me even tighter, "Oh, darling. As long as I'm here, you'll be safe."

I cry even louder at this. "Oh, b-but that's it. What if something-" My voice breaks, as I can't bare myself to finish the sentence. "What if something happens to you?" I ask, barely audibly.

"No, Y/N please don't think about that. I'll be fine, and nothing will happen to me." She murmurs against my ear.

"Larissa, I- I don't want to lose you. I love you-"

She cuts me off, reassuring me. "I know, baby. And I love you too. We'll be just fine."

As my sobs lighten a bit, she gets out and rounds the car and carries me back in her arms to her quarters. We're still wearing those paint-stained clothes, so we take a quick bath together before going to bed.

Tonight, she holds me closer to her than she ever has. Assuring me that she's not going anywhere, that everything will be okay. At least, that's what she likes to think. That everything will be okay.


The aftermath of the Rave'n was one chaos. Of course, no one blamed me for what happened. But to me, it all felt like it was my fault. If I had just taken care of things better, paid more attention - maybe this all could've been avoided.

But every time I would bring up how bad I feel about it, how there's a constant panging in my stomach named guilt, Larissa would reassure me, that it wasn't my fault. That there was nothing I could've done to prevent those things from happening.

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