A Stressful Situation III

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John's POV (December 3)

I was exhausted from trying to take care of Alex, so I tried sleeping in. I checked the clock. 6:43am, it said. I groaned. This stress and anxiety kept me up all night long. At least it was Friday. I was so glad I had tomorrow and Sunday to focus on other things, like actually taking care of myself, because I was sick and tired of everything that was going on. He probably had that stupid disease that people think is a lie, even though he got vaccinated, because guess what? Breakthrough COVID cases!

I tried going back to bed, but I just couldn't. I was rolling back and forth in bed, upset that I couldn't sleep for another two or three hours. God, what did I do to deserve this?! I thought. Why would God do this to us? Was it because we had a party? It wasn't our fault Alex got the disease. This was so stupid. I wanted to get this over with already.

I got a text.

**Notification: From Eliza, Regarding Alex's Homework, Group Chat**

(9:52am) Eliza: John, we were able to finish Alex's homework for all of the classes except AP Micro, which is the class you'll take over.

(9:53am) Laf: His workload is so dumb! Aye, mon ami, why'd you have to volunteer to do his homework?! He's practically in iB, except he doesn't have to do that tedious Extended Essay. He's so obsessed with graduating early and working.

Oh boy. Now I'm regretting every decision I've made for this situation. Maybe he's right. I shouldn't have chosen to do his homework.

(9:53am) Eliza: Don't worry, Laf. It's only for a couple more weeks. Also, you guys need to get tested.

(9:54am) John: Oh yeah, that's right. Thanks for reminding me. I need to make an appointment at Kaiser George's.

(9:54am) Herc: No need. I already did. Also, I swear to God if you get Dr. Seabury I'm actually going to go there and personally punch his guts out.

(9:55am) John: Thanks! Wait, what's wrong with him?

Herc told me all about what had happened a couple days ago when they got tested. Yeah, Herc, I think you should come with us to give him a taste of his own medicine. Just kidding, haha.

(9:59am) Herc: The appointment is at 11 this morning, by the way. You better get going, especially if Alex isn't feeling well.

He was right. I thought to myself. I quickly got dressed and went into the garage.

I got into the car and opened Google Maps. Yes, I know. I suck at reading normal maps, and I need a GPS. Anyways, I typed in the address to the hospital. As I pressed enter, the screen said:

ETA: 10:30am

Which was great because I was going to be early.

On the drive there, I was constantly praying that I would test negative because I wasn't in the mood to get sick and vomit every day. I didn't want to end up like Alex. Did anyone? I doubt that. I heard my phone go off, but obviously I didn't want to get pulled over and I wasn't stupid so I left my notifications sit there while I drove. I would have about half an hour to do whatever I wanted after I checked in anyways.

I pulled into the parking garage and drove up to the third floor, where I parked my car and went down the elevator. Luckily, I didn't see anyone we knew, because that would've been very awkward, and of course, I'm a very socially awkward person. Laf had told me about what had happened when he and Herc were here a couple days ago, and he said that it wasn't fun meeting Mr. Washington in person for the first time, and Herc made it worse by making the situation extremely uncomfortable for everyone.

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