001|The Sacrifice|

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The cult you were imprisoned in worshipped Sukuna. And every time the previous offering dies, another one must descend into Sukuna's soul to replace them. And today, it was your turn. This day was special because it was the Temple Princess's day to descend into his soul.

A maid hastily woke you up, almost throwing you to the ground. Since today was the Day of Sacrifice, you had an entire regiment of servants and future offerings at your feet. They started by giving you a vanilla bath. There was a whole protocol to follow for a simple shower. Then they made you try thousands of dresses to see which one suited you best. Afterwards, the makeup had to be impeccable, as well as your manicure.

Every detail was meticulously chosen by the Father to send a suitable offering to Ryomen Sukuna. All this preparation was done in silence because no one had the right to speak to you without permission. The maids applied coconut cream to your skin, and your best friend Mary, who took care of your hair, remained silent, creating a dead silence in your room. So you decide to break the ice:

"Can you remind me of the record for the woman who held on the longest in Sukuna's soul?" you ask with a sigh.

"Two and a half months," the servant answers while brushing your hair.

"Wow! Then that will be my goal! Survive with this kind of demon for more than three months. Mary, can't we do this on another day? I don't feel very well."

"You can't call me by my name with all these people, miss."

"Ugh, fine. Can't you just answer the question?"

"We can't postpone the date because today we celebrate your twenty-third birthday, and despite being a princess, you are not exempt from Rule 102, which states that "any woman in the Temple, except for the staff, aged twenty-three, must serve as a sacrifice for Ryomen Sukuna."

"Yeah, but doing it on my birthday is a bit much though. You said  complaining, but the servant reminds you by pulling your hair harder than necessary while brushing it.

"You are the oldest women in this Temple, and it's been almost four months since the King of Curses received anything. You knew it was urgent to offer a sacrifice to Sukuna as quickly as possible."

You sigh and look up at the sky while the servants were taking care of your hair. After finishing your preparations, you enter a massive hall. A ceremony was organized with flowers, offerings, and all sorts of valuable objects. There was classical music playing, and numerous chairs were arranged.

It felt like a wedding, but it was actually a celebration that marked your death sentence. The hall was crowded with people. The Father stood on the stage, patiently waiting for you to join him. You were dressed in a long white robe inspired by the attire of a Greek goddess.

Your heart raced. Despite your attempts to appear calm, fear and excitement were evident on your face. Slowly, you approached the Father, and once in front of him, you kneeled and kissed the back of his hand. Subsequently, the Father bound your hands and feet with a silver rope before throwing you into the soul of the legendary King of Curses.

As you enter, you find yourself in a lake of blood, still with your wrists tied behind your back.

"Damn, where am I?" you wonder.

A man positioned above speaks to you.

"May I know what you're doing here?" the man says in an arrogant tone.

"I was supposed to serve as an offering to the other demon, but I ended up here!" you shout so the man positioned above can hear you.

Sukuna descends and stands in front of you, looking you up and down before speaking.

"Are you supposed to be my offering? You're worthless," he says with disgust, scrutinizing you from head to toe, unsure of what to do with you.

"Dude, I'm not supposed to be with you," you reply, giving him a disdainful look.

"I'm the 'other demon,' you dimwit."

Your eyes widen, and you hold back laughter at his absurd statement.

"Impossible. Sukuna is supposed to be much scarier than you. But you, you look like a teenager going through puberty."

Sukuna gets angry and throws you to the other side of his domain. Your back forcefully hits the wall. You didn't have a single scratch, but his action irritated you. You stare at him with a cold gaze. Your reaction brings a smile to his face, and he approaches you. You were on the ground, raising your head to meet the eyes of the demon who was only a few centimeters away, looking down at you with that irritating smirk.

"On second thought, I might just have some fun with you

The curse and the princess[Sukuna x reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora