004| My Illness|

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Sukuna turns towards you and stares at you. You notice that he really wanted to tell you something but was holding back.

"What's wrong, my majesty? Do you want to tell me something?"

Sukuna leans over you again, bringing his face close to yours. Your cheeks turn crimson, and it amuses Sukuna.

"Why do you address me formally? It's not just that. You are so close to me yet distant at the same time."

His question furrows your brow as you don't understand where he's going with this.

"Well... You are Sukuna... I can't afford to address you informally."

"Yet you have fun insulting me."

A smile creeps onto your lips.

"I don't want a deeper relationship to develop between us."

Your words irritate Sukuna. How dare you say such things? Sukuna had never felt as close to anyone as he did to you in centuries. He couldn't afford to lose you.

"What are you talking about? What are you afraid of? You're losing me."

You sigh before smiling.

"Because... I know that if I don't create a barrier with your Majesty, I will develop feelings for you... And I can't allow that. I have to put up as many walls as possible."

Sukuna gently grabs your face and locks his eyes with yours before speaking:

"I don't see the problem."

You move Sukuna's face away with your hand and look away.

"The problem is that I would mistake my desires for reality. And I would suffer a lot."

Sukuna takes hold of your face again, delicately, and smiles at you.

"Well, I forbid you from addressing me formally."

Your relationship continues for a year. It was an evening, and Sukuna returned from a mission. Your health problems had never disappeared, and today, your body had decided to seriously give up on you.

"Hey, shrimp! I'm back, guess how many humans I killed!"

You don't respond.

"Hey! Are you sleeping? I forgot how weak humans are."

He walks towards you and sees you on the floor, breathing heavily.

"What's with this habit of sleeping on the floor? If I let you sleep on my throne, it's not for you to lie on the floor."

Your face is red, and you have a fever, but he doesn't understand why.

"Answer me, shrimp! If you don't answer, I'll peel your skin."

You still don't respond: you're too weak to utter a single word.

When he starts to open the skin on your arm, you let out a moan of pain. He widens his eyes and stops.

"You didn't scream, but you felt pain! What's your problem?"

He watches you suffer, but he doesn't understand anything. Your face is contorted with pain and covered in sweat. Seeing you like this, without being able to do anything, makes Sukuna feel powerless in the face of your condition.

"Stop making that face. And why are you all red and burning?"

You don't answer, and he sighs. He lifts you and places you on his throne. He still wanted to make sure he didn't dream when he heard you moan and presses on your wound, and you moan again.

"Stop... it hurts.," you whisper.

"What's your problem, old lady? Why aren't you annoying me as usual?"

"Stop talking loudly, please. It's giving me a headache."

"What's this mess?"

"I'm sick, idiot. I have a fever."


"Do you think opening up my body every day wouldn't affect me?"

His eyes widen as he realizes that your situation is probably his fault. A sudden wave of regret washes over him,

and this new feeling troubles him. He decides to bury his feelings and attribute them to disgust.

"So, you're really like any other humans. You're as weak as any human."

You don't respond.

He screams in rage before leaving. When he steps out of his territory, he goes in search of a doctor. If the doctor doesn't satisfy him, he cuts them in half. Until he comes across a doctor who gives him medication and prescriptions. When he returns and sees how weak you are, it angers him, and he pushes you. You stumble and hit the ground. You try to get up slowly, but Sukuna sits on you.

"Here. I got this from a doctor."

As you take your medication, your cough recurs.

"Why aren't you healing?!?! Did that doctor tell me bullshit? I'll-"

"It's normal! It will take effect in the following hours."

Hours pass, and you fall asleep. Sukuna stayed by your side throughout your sleep, observing you.

"I'm bored."

"Shut up."

"You're awake now?"Says Sukuna,

"If one day I die, how will you deal with my death?" you said, suddenly

"Why are you obsessed with that question?"

871 words
End of chapter 4|My illness|

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