036|I will break you before you do|

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You had left for Belgium for some time, all by yourself. It was a tough choice, leaving your children, but you knew Satoru would take care of them and the housekeeper would be there too. Not a single day passed without thoughts of your children and Sukuna. You pondered every imaginable possibility to retrieve him. You tried to contact him, but he refused to let you into his soul. After a week, you gave up, realizing he didn't want to hear from you anymore. But one day, while dozing off on the beach, Sukuna appeared in your dreams.

He seemed to be dozing off too, and you didn't dare to wake him. Maybe you were the one trying to enter his soul after all, but if he let you in, that was something. You didn't dare approach him, talk to him, not after what you had both said to each other. You sighed, realizing you had made a wrong decision trying to meet him, and were about to wake up, but he let out a grunt that froze you. He opened his eyes and saw you trembling. He sighed and got up to face you.

"So, you're still alive?"

You didn't dare to answer. He hadn't forgotten you? You didn't dare ask him.


You let me into your soul...
Do you forgive me?

"What. Don't try to cry to get me. I see through you."

this kind of thing is not controlled.

"No, forget it. You obviously moved on."

Please, contradict me.
Tell me I'm wrong.
Take me in your arms.
I'm lost,
I don't even know what I'm doing...
I'm an unworthy mother.
An unworthy woman,
an unworthy human.
I'm going to crack, help me.
Tell me everything's fine.
I'm on the edge.
I just need to feel your warm skin against mine.
How did we get here?
I don't even know anymore.
He's supposed to be the demon, the killer,
but I'm the one who stabbed our hearts.

"Move on? What are you talking about? Because there was something? Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. Is your man waiting for you or looking for you? I didn't really keep track."

You sighed, realizing he really didn't care.

"He's not my man"

"You have a kid with him."

And also with you. Bastard.

"That doesn't justify anything. I don't love him. It's you who loves this... Maeva. After several centuries."

You look happy with him.
I'm not blind.
I saw how you look at him at school.
What's your goal?
To break me?
I'll do it before you do.

"And so? You're in no position to talk. You have a damn kid with him. Me, it's been two centuries since I've seen her and she was faithful, she. Even when the exorcists captured her. She stayed faithful. You..."

"I have kids. They come before anyone else. I haven't always made the best choices, I admit, but you're laying it on a bit thick for someone who's never fallen in love, who meets a man for the first time, gets pregnant and has to raise mini-yous without any guide. I'm trying to do what's best for them."

"You should've trusted me from the start instead of getting cozy with Gojo and making a mess of kids."


Your heart was pounding, unable to control what was coming out of your mouth. Your cheeks were flushing, and you didn't dare to meet his eyes.

"I was... unconscious... I didn't know. It was an accident."

"Stop fucking with me."

"Sukuna, it's me."

He widened his eyes dramatically, mouth wide open.

"No! Really? Well there! The news of the century! Did you really think I would fall for that, you big airhead?"

"I'm the one who used to call you that, you think without daring to tell him."

"Sukuna... I understand your anger, but I was lost. Okay, that doesn't excuse what I said and did to you, but-"

"You don't need to justify yourself, human. I don't need your explanations anymore." He said with a cold stare.

"I know you'll be happier without me. You need to detach yourself from me. I just wanted to make sure you were still alive. This exorcist scared me for nothing," He thought without daring to tell you

"Stop bothering me," he grumbled.

"So it's really over between us?"

Sukuna couldn't take it anymore, he felt betrayed. The fact that you had rebuilt your life with Satoru was inconceivable to him, it was a sort of betrayal for him and he didn't want to hear anything. He didn't want to relive the feeling of losing someone he loves. So to avoid feeling this, he represses and denies them, trying to hurt you as much as possible so that you push him away and he can really get used to the idea that everything was over.

"Because we had an us???"

All the hopes you had held on to crumbled in an instant and you felt something inside you break. It was as if a part of you had left. Your heart tightened and your throat tightened.

"I'll go back to Japan then," you say before waking up, too scared he'd throw another deadly response at you.

꧁✎______________ ꧂

When you enter your room, you find Gojo sprawled out on your bed. He seems to be asleep. As for you, you cry silently. You don't have the morale to argue with him or cry in his arms. You just want to be alone. But Gojo is in your bed.

When you look around, it's filled with alcohol bottles. You sigh before picking them up. He who hates alcohol, what's gotten into him? Your hands are full, but you take the risk of picking up the last bottle on the floor. At this moment, everything escapes you and a loud crash of glass is heard. Gojo wakes up almost immediately and turns to you.


"Um... Hello?"

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End of Chapter 36
|I will break you before you do|

The curse and the princess[Sukuna x reader]Where stories live. Discover now