003 |Chronic Problem|

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"I've been talking to you for three months, and you've been staying at my house like a parasite,"

"I haven't chosen to be here either. And the fact that you call me 'hey you,' 'crazy girl,' 'stupid,' 'shrimp,' or any kind of insult doesn't sit well with me either,"

"Why do you have to say offensive things all the time? I just want to know your name,"

"I don't trust you. His Majesty is going to do something strange with it," you express your concerns

He rolls his eyes and finishes bandaging you.

"And for your other question, if you die, I'll simply wait for the next offering," he responds. A nervous smile escapes your lips.

"And do you think she'll be as great as me? She'll be so scared of you that she'll just nod her head to everything you say,"

"I prefer that to a crazy old woman who just squeals all day. I just need a body to have fun with,"

"They will scream so loudly that you'll get fed up and cut off their heads,"

"It's better for me when I see someone suffering. So, when you chat with me while I open your skin, it annoys me,"

"Well, with the next offering, you'll have the pleasure of hearing those screams for the rest of your life,"

"What are you trying to prove to me?"

"That I am the best offering you have ever known,"

A slight smile forms on his lips. It was moments like these that made his day better. He didn't want to admit it to himself, but you were important to his happiness. However, something about you bothered him.

"Since you learned that I am really Sukuna, there seems to be an invisible barrier between us, and it annoys me to the highest degree. I can't understand why you always make sure that nothing exceeds the demon-offering relationship,"

"And you, I have a question to ask," he says, untying you from your bonds.

Obviously, after a dissection session, you were still weak. But lately, it had been happening more frequently and with greater severity. As he unties your bonds, you fall to the ground. You try to lean on your hand to get up, but your arm is shaking abnormally. Watching you struggle against yourself raises questions in Sukuna's head.

He decides to sit in front of you, crossing his legs, to try to understand why you're reacting this way. On your side, you do your best to ignore Sukuna's presence, but it weighs heavily on you. Your arms are shaking.

"Do you need help?" Sukuna asks, concerned.

"I have... no more energy... You can leave me here. I... I will rest there," you reply, struggling to catch your breath.

Sukuna ignores you and picks you up.

"Where are you taking me?"

He doesn't answer and continues walking before gently depositing you on his throne.

"Rest. I need you healthy tomorrow. And I'd like to talk to you about something afterward," Sukuna instructs.

Sukuna stays to watch over you until you fall asleep. Thousands of questions race through his head. Why such a drastic drop? You were perfectly healthy a few days ago. When Sukuna carried you, you were abnormally hot. The next day, you wake up 'in great shape' with a triumphant smile on your face, which automatically relieves Sukuna.

"Hey, Ryoo! I'm hungry. Did you bring any food?" you ask.

"Who do you take me for? It's the only thing that matters to me in this world. And what's with this nickname?" .

You start eating, and Sukuna looks elsewhere. You take the opportunity to snatch a piece of his meat and hurriedly eat it.

"The crazy girl..."

"Yes?" you respond eagerly.

"That was mine!" Sukuna exclaims.

You giggle on your side with a goofy smile. Sukuna lunges at you and bares his fangs with a smirk. He grabs your face between his fingers and exerts pressure to restrict your movements. He was hoping to scare you, but this situation amuses you more than anything else.

"The next time you eat my food, I'm going to eat you!" Sukuna threatens.

You laugh innocently before spitting it back out. You land on him and lie down on his chest, playing with his hair with your fingers. Your faces are only centimeters away, smiling.

"It will be when you want," you tease.

Sukuna rolls his eyes before getting up and stepping aside.

"You're irretrievable," he says with a laugh.

798 words

End of Chapter 3|chronic problems|

The curse and the princess[Sukuna x reader]Where stories live. Discover now