Freedom Till The End.

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Sometime Later...

The Bridge was 90% Done, Just a few things were left to be completed and the Wave can finally have the freedom its longed for. Naruto thought happily as he made his way towards Tazuna's house hopping a little bit here and there. He then saw Tazuna's home and he went inside he saw the condition the house was in, the table was broken in two pieces and the kitchen was in worst condition, he immediately knew what was wrong and quickly got out runningas fast as he could and arrived at the bridge to see mist everywhere, he saw workers knocked down on the bridge.

"Wind style : Great Breakthrough." Shouted Naruto clearing the Mist from the bridge to see a grinning Gato, a very horried. Tsunami and Inari tied with their mouths gagged and Tazuna all on their knees, he also saw A man with what seemed like a slashed mist headband, and a hunter ninja he knew they were the one he sensed that day, and atleast 100 bandits behind them.

"I knew you would arrive Naruto Uzumaki thats why i had them kidnapped, to get you here. I will now have your head at my display, Zabuza finish him." Gato said commanding Zabuza as he nodded and ran towards Naruto.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu." Naruto shouted As 200 copies Of Naruto Appeared 3 Of them substituted themselves with Tsunami, Tazuna and Inari. The rest 97 went after them, massacring. Meanwhile The real Naruto and 100 of his clones were dealing with Zabuza and Haku.

"Give up Naruto, you can't take me and Zabuza alone." The hunter ninja boasted, which Naruto shrugged. Frankly it should be the opposite but Naruto wasn't arrogant.

"You shouldn't underestimate your enemies, they might have an ace up their sleeve but are just waiting for the right time to use it." Naruto said smirking, he then did some handsigns and a ball of lightning appeared in his hand, he then sent it into the sky, Immediately the black cloud appeared in sky and soon rain started falling along with lightning.

"Lightning Style : Kirin Die !" Naruto shouted as a Dragon made of lightning made its way down roaring and crashed on the part where Zabuza and Haku were fighting, Zabuza died while Haku survived as Naruto clones took her to safety.

Seeing the devastation, The Tazuna family was left shocked. But a part of the bridge was left destroyed, he then got memories of the thugs being dealt and Gato held hostage by his clones. He made his way towards Gato. Who was right now covering in fear.

"P-p-please, let me live, i will give you anything! Anything you want money,women you name it." Gato cowered, Naruto smirked he knew exactly what to demand from him.

"First i need you to sign your company to me, then give me your accounts and the locker code in your office then and only then will i think of sparring your miserable life." Naruto said, Gato looked him as if he had grown a second head.

"That's not possible, i can't give your demands." Gato said, Naruto then smirked evilly scaring the shit out of the midget.

"Or well i can take the information out of you after killing you on second thoughts." Naruto as Gato started waving his hands in front of his face.

"Wait please have what you want but spare me, I can give you what you need but we need to go to my office." Gato said, he internally smirked as there were still some bandits that were waiting for him at his mansion, maybe he can use them and deal with this kid.

"Okay, but first i have to do this." Naruto said as he gave a neck chop to Gato's neck and knocked him out and sealed him in a statis scroll. He then looked at Tazuna and family.

"You three head home, i have some errands to run i'll see you later." Naruto said, Tsunami and Inari protested that he return with them but Naruto stopped them.

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