A New Home, New Start.

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Land Of Waves...

Once a poor country, now a great rising economy, with allies like land of tea,demon, iron, some minor hidden village wave is all set to become a all new shinobi village. Now you might be thinking how all this is possible well i have two words for you Demon brat, yeah after being banished from the leaf, Naruto went to a neutral country, and helped it. You can see children running around healthy, not like in canon women were chatting in the market while buying fresh groceries, the old people were taking a walk after eating too much, and the young people were performing various tasks, like selling goods, transport and you know what. We see a new buildings constructed, restaurants, hotels, theatres, shopping mall, amusement/water park etc. Wave is like a city on its own, and its all thanks to one person Naruto Uzumaki.

Flashback 2 Years Ago...

After roaming a lot naruto finally found the place where his ancestors used to recite, The old Land of Whirpools Uzumaki Village, now it was known as Land of Wave with mostly Civillians reciting at the place. He sighed, he knew he would have to start from somewhere, hey its still the best option plus with the sharingan and all the techniques he's carrying with him, he can make his own ninja village right in wave.

He entered wave and saw how its condition was, it was more worse than his was in konoha, the children and women were sitting on road in ragged oversized clothes with ribs showing malnourishment. He sighed, this was not the condition he imagined of his homeland. But albeit, he will fix it later.

He went towards a small child and looked down at her, the said child thought that he would hit her so she cowered, hugging her knees tighter, Naruto's heart broke seeing her like this, he gave her a sad smile and handed her a piece of bread he carried with her, the girl took it and stared at him, his smile still there. He placed his right hand on the head of the child, said child flinched at the contact.

"Don't worry, i am not going to do anything to you, promise." Naruto assured, he with a bright smile. The girl nodded while still eating the piece of bread.

"Tell me how did this place ended up like this ?." Naruto asked the small girl, the girl swallowed the bread and started speaking.

"A bwisiness mwan nwamed Gato dwid this to ouver lwand, he is very bwad perswon." The girl said in a sad/scared tone. Naruto was now angry at this Gato person for doing this to his home nation.

"Don't worry, i am going to get rid of this Gato, then we will be free again, free to fly high as much as we want, free to choose, free of our slavery." Naruto said, as he took out four pack of breads and handed it to the girl, she got happy seeing all the food.

"Distribute this evenly, i will head to the main area to see if i can gather some information on this Gato guy, then i will end him myself okay." Naruto said amiling as he ruffled the girls hair, he then stood up and made his way towards the main town.

Main Town...

Naruto was now roaming the main area of land of waves's village or his extinct hometome, he entered a shop, inside he saw vegetables displayed in wooden boxes, but the thing was that most of them were empty and whatever goods it had were either rotten or very minimal, he was sad again, deciding to do something about it,he decided to ask the shopkeeper of this dreadful condition of the shop.

"Hey, why is the shop condition like this, does it have something to do with this Gato i heard of recently." Naruto asked, the owner flinched hearing his name, he checked that no one was in his store, he then went and closed the door, he then faced naruto, said blond boy was on guard at the actions of the shop owner.

"Don't be afraid, i am not going to hurt you, yes it is because of Gato, some time ago, he came and started acquiring ports in the wave, then he increased the inport duty on our goods, thats not it, slowly he started hiring goons and some missing ninjas to threaten us and forcing us to pay him protection, whoever stood up against him were either killed or were scared for their rest of life, one such was Kaiza, he was the hero of wave." The owner said, Naruto was now interested in hearing about this Kaiza person.

Naruto Uchiha, Ultimate Warrior.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang