Back in Tokyo

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I could hardly keep my eyes open. "Good night Taylor." Was the last thing I heard.

My head was pounding, I opened my eyes and  noticed I was in a room I've never seen before. I raised my hands to massage my temples and searched for my last memory in my mind. I put Bill to bed and then decided to drink more shots. How did I end up in this room? When I looked around more closely it was clear to me who's room this is. Only one wore bandanna's and so big baggy jeans. Besides, this room was even more luxurious than the rest of the plane. So I can't remember anything and I'm in Tom's room... I quickly looked under the covers to see if I was still wearing my dress. Fortunately I still had it on, or unfortunately? And a very important question, why did I switched places with this stewardess? No matter what happened, I am glad that I am in his bed and not her. Next to the bed was a small stool with clothes on it that looked familiar to me. They were my clothes. Tom must have picked them out for me. I walked over to the mirror and finally took off this damn dress. I looked at my reflection in the mirror, since I woke up from the coma I had never really looked at my body. Through the artificial food I have lost a few pounds. But what is much more noticeable are the scars...I know they will fade lighter but I still have to get used to them. I took the clothes and quickly put them on.

I walked into the lounge room. And saw Bill, Gustav, Georg and Tom sitting at the table having breakfast. I looked at the clock and it was 1 o'clock noon, which means in one hour we will be in Tokyo. It was quiet in the room, but Gustav was the first to speak. "Let me guess... you have a hangover." I rubbed my eyes. "Yeah, kinda."
"Emma!" Tom shouted. The door opened and the stewardess came in.
"Yes, sir?" I rolled with my eyes, her voice was pissing me off again.
"Could you bring Taylor a water of glass and something for a headache?" She turned in my direction, now I could see that her lower jaw had a bruise on the side. Did Tom hit her? Is that why she was no longer in his room, but I was? To have the next best option in his bed?
She smiled at me. "Of course." She went through the door and I looked after her.
Bill slide's aside and pads the seat next to him. I sit down next to him and thus opposite Tom. I eyed him. But he looked sadly at his untouched toast. The fact that I couldn't remember anything made me feel insecure. Did I do something bad or embarrassing? I looked at Bill and tried to get some information out of his behavior.
He acted normal. "Thanks Taylor, I heard you put me to bed last night, I really don't remember anything." He said as he chuckled lightly. At least one good thing.
"Yes after that I can't remember anything either." Tom's head snapped up to look at me. I could see that he wanted something to say, but his mouth just stayed shut. Then the stewardess came back in and put a glass of water and a headache tablet in front of me. "Here I hope you will feel better soon." She said with a broad smile on her lips and a slightly ironic tone. It almost seemed to me that she was happy that I was feeling bad.
"Well, thank you." I said with a tone at least as ironic as hers. She walked out again, finally. First I took the pill, then the glass of water and washed it down my throat.  I could feel Tom's eyes on me, following every move I made. I looked into his eyes, his beautiful brown eyes. He didn't break eye contact like he usually does. I could feel my eyelids getting heavy. My body was getting weaker and all I wanted was to sleep. The last thing I saw was Tom, he mouthed me an 'I love you'
And then my eyelids failed and everything went black.

Tom's POV.

Her eyes closed, I quickly got up to catch her.
"What's wrong with her?" asked Bill worriedly. I took her in my arms.
"Nothing she just took a very high dose sleeping pill." I said as I walked over to the other table and put her on the bench. I sat down next to her and lifted her head to put it on my lap. She was so beautiful. Bill walked after me and sat down across from me. "Why are you doing this?" He asked, puzzled. I didn't tell him about my plan either. I know how much he likes her. He would have tried to persuade me not to do it, but I couldn't let him eventually succeed. "Bill...Taylor will no longer be with us, we...I ruined her life. She will never be safe with us! So it's the best for all of us, she will start a new life...without us."
Bill looked at me in shock. I could see how sad he was, a little too sad. I wanted to ask him about it but he interrupted me.
"That's where you're wrong, Taylor's not going to just give up on you. She'll be looking for us, alone, in Tokyo! All our enemies know what she looks like!"
Bill had one point.
"But everyone thinks she's dead! Besides, I'll always have someone looking after her." I said.
"This is so stupid! What are you going to do when she finds out that she was pregnant by you? And she will." Anger and sadness built up inside me. Until now, no one had dared to mention our baby to me.
Tears welled up in my eyes, I looked up at Bill. "I-I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking." He said while quickly looking down at his hands. "Just go, leave me alone with her for the last few minutes." Bill immediately got up and went to Georg and Gustav. He said something to them and a few seconds later all three disappeared from the room.

I just stared at her. Tears flowed down my cheeks. "I-I love you so much Taylor. I'm so sorry for everything I've done to you, everything you've had to go through because of me. It is the best for you, even if you don't want to believe it at the beginning. I know you will look for me but you won't find me. I only hope for you to find a man who will make you happy and make you leave Tokyo forever."

The plane landed and I carried Taylor to the car which takes her to her apartment.
The man who will take care of her from now on opened the door for me.
I put them in the back seat. Now it's time for the farewell. "I love you." I whispered and kissed her tender lips one last time. For a moment I wanted to stop everything and just take her with me. But I pulled myself together and closed the door. I went to the man and gave him a note. "Put this in her room so she will see it when she wakes up." He nodded and wanted to turn around. I grabbed him by the shoulder. "And one more thing, she must never find out that you are guarding her. You will call Bill every day and keep him updated. If something happens, you will protect her with your life. Don't let me down."
"All right, boss, you can count on me."
He said and got into the car.
I looked after them as they slowly disappeared from the airfield.

Sorry that this chapter comes only now! I usually write at night, but I was so tired and needed sleep. Hope you understand!🩷
(Can we talk about that picture?!??😭)

continuation of  'a beautiful lie'  | T.K.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن