⒈ 𝓐𝓼 𝓤𝓷𝓮𝔁𝓹𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓮𝓭

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Here is a story of me waking up and realizing that I'm late.


"And this watch has just to wake me up that late..?".

I correct myself, this is not a story of me being late to work. Or is it...? Sigh..., it doesn't matter, I knew that I was late, so I rushed everything and jumped out of my bed quickly to never waste more time than I already have. "Min Yoongi, what have you done...? Mr. Bang  would never see it as professional of me to come so late, but... I guess I have to cope with it now". 

"I look so dead...".

I felt, sleepy as hell, but of course I had no other choice than attending the HYBE building. I prepared quickly my breakfast, as ARMY don't want me to skip any meal. After breakfast it was time for me to dress up for the day, however I was still thinking of what to wear. You should know that, as an idol, I have tones of clothes. Too much when you ask me... but right at that moment, I found the perfect look for today. "Found it!". I dressed up and was done to leave, but as I wanted to leave, my son Holly came to me and told me not to leave. But I told him that I would not be away other than just going to work. At least I thought that. Anyway, I farwelled him, and opened the door to leave my apartment.  Btw, Holly is my dog, I was still not a father yet, neither married or dating anyone. On my way, I saw a staff founding me. He came right to me and worries. "SUGAssi!! Why are you passing the streets alone? You should know that a famous idol like you has to be under safety!". 

Of course he asked me why I was so late, so I couldn't deny than just telling him the truth, when right at that moment, I've got a call from our boss, Mr. Bang. I picked up, and heard his worried voice. "Yoongi, why ain't you here yet? is any staff with you?". Honestly, I felt sorry hearing him worrying about me that much, so I had to tell the truth. "Yes, Mr. Park has found me, when I was about to-". But I've got cut up, as the staff told me to get into the cab. I stepped in the car, and continued the call. "I've missed the time, so I ran as fast as I could. I wanted to walk alone to the company, but a staff has caught me right before it. I'm apologizing for my delay". Of course I was anxious of the results, however Mr. Bang didn't see it as a problem, and he smiled through the phone. 


Arrived at the company:

I've got off the car, to enter the company. Right after I've stepped in the house, some staff have waited for me, so I bowed down in a formal, yet polite way, to greet them all and showed a smile. Of course they were worried either of me, and told me to meet our boss. When I was on the way to Mr. Bang, I suddenly saw that a staff was looking at me. 

"Who is she? I haven't seen her somewhere...". 

Hi's POV:

I've never thought that I would meet Yoongi here. My heart was bouncing as crazy, as I have a huge crush on him. He's so cute, and so perfect, I had to be with him, he's the man of my dreams. I used to have wet dreams cuz of him, he makes me so horny anytime. As he passed through me, I winked and bit my lip. Of course he noticed it and stared at me, as if I've put a spell on him.

 "I can't believe it's Yoongi".

Back to Yoongi:

Yet I was too busy staring longer at her. The staff was my wife, Lee Hi, but as I said, this is a story of how I came togheter with her. As I stood by our boss's door, I knocked before entering. "Come in". Mr Bang said, and so I opened the door and came in. "Oh Yoongi, I'm glad that you are safe". I bowed as he recognized me and showed him an "okay smile". Bang PD has told me that there was more money in our budget than we usually had, so I had an idea. A solo tour, with ARMY cheering. "I hope this will work...". I uttered to myself and bit my lip. Even though I knew that I did the right thing for me and of course ARMY. "Alright, what are you planning?". I guess I was a bit too temperament and he noticed how deep I was in my thoughts. "Tell, what have you planned?". Mr. Bang has got curious after seeing my face. Haha. 

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