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The next morning I wake up at at 7 which is a few hours before my parents wake up I decide to get up get ready and make breakfast.i shower eat get dressed and head downstairs to start on breakfast I make eggs blueberry muffins and bacon by the time my parents are coming down the stairs the muffins are almost done and so are the Bacon, eggs they walk into the kitchen and sit down at the table good morning it smells good down here what are you making,good morning I'm making blueberry muffins eggs and bacon ooo that sounds good where were you last night? we were looking for you and couldn't find you.

I try to think of an excuse to tell them not wanting them to know me and jace went to watch the sunset together.i hear the oven go off
indicating the muffins are done while grabbing the muffins out the oven I tell them me and jace went out for a drive I wanted some fresh air the house was getting a little to stuffy" well alright then did something happen? they ask as I'm setting the muffins in a plate and walking over to set them on the table the each grab one and my mom sates we heard you slam your door.

nope my heels broke right before I walked in to the house" ok then well how did you like your birthday party I don't have the heart to tell them that I hated it that I would much rather just go out to dinner and stuff my face with cake then have a party with a bunch of snobby people I don't even know out of all of them only about 5 people walked up and told me happy birthday one of them them being jace so instead I say it was great I had a good time. that's great honey were glade you had a good time but didn't get to introduce you to one of our friends son we thought you guys would be good together o well
maybe next time I role my eyes internally" because since I turned 19 my parents had been trying to hook me up with one of there friends sons.

I always hated it because they were all self absorbed and snobby out of all of them not one of them had ever asked me about my self or dreams or what what I wanted to do after college

but not jace he always asked me about myself made sure I was ok and whenever I would get sad or cry he would always lift my mood up or be there to comfort me like when was 13 and sprained my ankle trying to climb a tree I started crying so loud he ran out the house and saw me there on the floor crying he ran over picked me up and said what happened baby why are you crying telling him in broken sobs that were probably hard to understand he put me in his car
buckled me me up and drive to the hospital while driving there looking back at the back seat to tell me it was going to be ok an consoleing me
when we got to the hospital he carried me in he held me while we waited in a room for my parents to get there since they wouldn't treat me without my parents there.

and the next day he came over with all my favorite snacks and stayed
an watched movies with me all day he was always there for me when my parents couldn't be
and was there to make me feel safe when I was scared or help me calm my nerves before my soft ball game my parents couldn't come to half the time and I'm sick of hiding my feelings for him so so one so I'm making him mine and I'll worry about my parents later.

Sorry guys this chapter is a little bit shorter then my other ones thank you for reading hope you liked it🖤

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