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After 8 hours of labor and some good drugs the baby still hasn't arrived and neither has rooster. I tried to sleep off the pain that I still felt and covered my head with the blanket. Phoenix and mav stayed with me as we waited. As I started to fall asleep a strong pain ripped through me making me groan loudly. Mav went and got the doctor as they checked me and the baby.

"Mrs, Bradshaw you're fully dilated it's time to start pushing." The doctor said getting everything ready with the nurses. "No not without Bradley, I-I can't do this if he's not here." I said looking up at my dad. "It's ok we're here Bradley will be here." He said trying to reassure me as I closed my eyes trying to get the pain to stop.

Phoenix let go over my hand and a larger one took the place of hers. "I'm right here darlin." Rooster said kissing my head. My eyes snapped opened and looked up at him as I started to cry. "It's ok. You can do this I'm right here darlin." He said as I grabbed him and pulled him down to me a little and he held me. After about 20 more minutes our son arrived.

"So what's his name?" Phoenix asked as rooster sat on the bed with me holding the baby. I whispered a name into his ear to see if he approved, he snapped his head at me and smiled nodding his head. "Nick Maverick Bradshaw." Rooster said looking at our son. I looked over at maverick and he was teary eyed. "I love that name guys." Mav said as Phoenix agreed.

Time skip of 5 years

As the years moved on Rooster is still a pilot and we now have a newborn baby girl in the world, Caroline. Our lives couldn't be better. Rooster is an instructor at top gun and I became a stay at home mom so our kids always have one of us around and not working. Our life was perfect without our family and friends around us. I couldn't as for a better thing.

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